Anyone Listen Extensively To V1 Of The Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl Phono Stage?

I needed a phono stage for my casual table, and I plan on using a SUT with it so I figured A good basic one would work. Did not turn out to be the case as the noise floor was too high for a ultra low output cartridge/SUT combo. I had run this pairing into an Esoteric E-03 with no issues, so it was certainly the phono stage. Back to the drawing board. I came across a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl phono stage at an attractive price, and I ordered it. It i shipping now. A I look at it, theoretically, I could run all my table/arm combos into just it. In the past I owned a Nu Vista M3 integrated amp and enjoyed it quite a bit. But I do not believe the designer is the same person, and the case work on this phono stage does not match what would be the period of the integrated. Ha anyone had experience comparing this phono stage against other known entities? I also own the Esoteric E-03 and a BMC MCCI Signature ULN. 


@fatboyriding-2 Sounds promising! Mine is supposed to deliver today, I think once it's settled in I will compare it to my Esoteric E-02 and see how they compare. 

I had a buddy who lent me his Nuvista Phono which I had in my system for a couple of weeks and it is very good, a very refined-sounding piece. I was using it in combination with my SUT with great results. The sound is neutral with a hint of warmth coming from the Nuvista tubes, holographic imaging, wide soundstage - a solid performer and I almost ended up buying it but found the five inputs overkill as I only have one tonearm and had no use for balance output so ended up getting a Lab12 Melto which was more suited to my needs.

I have a NuVista Vinyl MkI, and do appreciate the options. It reveals details that other phono stages have not, but there is one thing to be very careful with - switch it off before plugging in or disconnecting the inputs! Doing so with the power on can destroy the input board. Having said that, I have gone back to using a Quad 24p and a VAS SUT as I prefer the sound, which seems more "musical" to me.

I have had mine for a few years. I don't think I will ever replace it. I think it's GREAT. Hope to hear what you think.