Anyone try a SUB THREE from Vandersteen yet?

Looks like finally put it on their site. Anyone order one yet? I would like to get an idea of how much better it is than the 2WQ. I have my eye on a used pair of 2WQs at the moment, but if the THREE is significantly better I may have to save up...

Here is the link to vandersteen:
I am a big Vandersteen fan and their 2wq is a great sub.  The three looks great, but at $2495 per, I think there are better choices.  For the same price, you could get a pair of Rythmik F12 subs and an antimode 8033.  If you are technically inclined you could use a mini dsp, which allows nearly unlimited subwoofer tuning for multiple subs.   
I don't think any other sub can integrate as well as the Vandersteen from all I've researched. The DSP sounds cool, but since my main listening is analog, I do not want to digitize the signal. Vandy fits the bill in this regard. The extra dough is worth that benefit IMO.
My equipment is likely too mid-fi for me to comment, but I have never understood the problem many have of integrating a sub into their system.  Maybe its because I have two SVS subs versus one?  Or just lucky?