Anyone try a SUB THREE from Vandersteen yet?

Looks like finally put it on their site. Anyone order one yet? I would like to get an idea of how much better it is than the 2WQ. I have my eye on a used pair of 2WQs at the moment, but if the THREE is significantly better I may have to save up...

Here is the link to vandersteen:
@gdnrbob yes same M5-hp filters
you want as high quality as possible filter to not get in the way of the music....
@bstatmeister nope have not heard the 2’s. Just went with David at hifi buys suggestion and backed it up with some research into vandy subs. I did listen to the Vandy 7 mk2 with a pair of the sub 9. Very impressive but should be for 80k. Allen (hifi buys owner) spoke to RV and they agreed, said try a pair of sub 3 first the equalizer should do its job. 6 woofers total should work.
I would tend to believe the Sub 3's would be a vast improvement over the 2Wq's.
I have a pair of Sub 3's on order from JohnyR, as the recommendation of this forum.  They should be here soon.  I have not heard the Sub 2wq, so unable to compare.  My main speakers are Apogee Scintilla One Ohm ribbons, so I will get a good indication of how well the Sub 3's integrate.  Auditioned the Sub 3's in Verona and made the decision to go ahead.  Also getting the best xovers RV has.  I really liked the way he does this and the eq.