Are Merlin TSM speakers buried with their owners?

For now....I have decided to stick with my TSMs. I spent a LOT of time on the internet trying to find any discussion of speakers that people have moved on to from their Merlins. I can't find a darn thing. Someday, I'd like to move on just to try something different (the change disease is terrible with no cure). I'm sure there are probably speakers for $10k that I could buy, but I'm not looking to go that route. Very frustrating and quite perplexing.


I've never gotten to listen to the Merlin stand mounts, but was told that played within their limits they were hard to beat.

R.I.P. Bobby...miss you.  It will be 10 years this summer...

Same here.  I was extremely sad to hear he was gone.  He was a very bright, charismatic, and passionate guy.