Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


In french "talentueux" is a word...😊

Sometimes i miss the right  translation...

As you see not knowing french put you in eight grade and me only in the  missed translation casual class when we read more than one language  ..

I hope you live well as a corrector... Another one correct us too here 😊 ... Thanks anyway for your free service. it help us all especially me ...

is not a word! It doesn’t even look like a word, unless you’re in eighth grade


She's a good singer, entertainer and a very good song writer. Plus listening to her makes me cool again for my neices and newphews.

Some people here only like 'their' kind of music, which is why rap, and other forms of music, like taylor Swift get dumped on. Open your mind...

For sure she is good , nobody can reach so much people without any talent...

now open your mind to something else :

If you dislike that, i dislike more "rap" in general and Ram Narayan is a genius ... Sorry😋

She’s a good singer, entertainer and a very good song writer. Plus listening to her makes me cool again for my neices and newphews.

Some people here only like ’their’ kind of music, which is why rap, and other forms of music, like taylor Swift get dumped on. Open your mind...





Having a personal opinion may not necessarily be “not having an open mind.” 
If a person makes grand sweeping statements about stuff they haven’t exposed themselves to, well, yeah…that’s certainly not having an open mind.  
If a person takes the time to expose themselves to something and says, “I don’t like it,” that’s just having a personal opinion.  
If someone handed you a plate of the best preparation of a particular food that was ever prepared for that food, and you ate it and said, “I don’t like it,” is that “not having an open mind”?   
The person that eats it and says, “this is the best thing I’ve ever eaten” may not necessarily have “a more open mind,” but merely a different experience.

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