Audio Debt?

Are people going into medium or even long term debt to purchase their audio equipment?

Just curious.
Even if I use a credit card, I don't purchase anything I can't back with cash. Sometimes it is more convenient budget wise to spread the payments out over three months. I have friends that will finance new gear for three years but I refuse to go down that road. Buying gear here on Audiogon allows me to buy brands I would otherwise disregard due to the price for new.
i think the issue is about debt in general, rather than the reason for debt.

responsible sensible debt, living within your menas makes sense.

if you have champagne tastes with a beer budget, there will be a problem.

audio debt is no different than going into debt to buy a car. if you can't afford to buy a particular car it is the same as over spending on audio gear.
I'm a moron. I bought a pair of Dynaudio Temptations and a new tonearm thinking the two real estate deals I had going were closing. At the last minute the guy dropped out and killed both deals. Now I am $9,000 in debt. You know what though I don't care. I got a 2.99% interest rate on my Citibank card. My speakers are amazing and I am loving them. So I may be a moron but I have one kick ass system.