@mahgister thanks for the humor ! Many all too true...
The photo does not look "shopped." It is as real as a heart attack.
Russian audiophiles are categorical: "Tubes make the most differences"
But in my opinion seriously their headphones is crap compared to my modified Akg K340 ....😊

True audiophiles dont exist anymore.
He designed all his gear himself . He forgot the room tough.

The true audiophile work in mono because of crosstalk ...😉
But for a better results in mono you can use all of them together as in this acoustic laboratory :

As you know i never bought tweaks ...
I designed mine:
You can laugh but it work as well than costly one...
But i know it does not look good for a guest 😁😊

We must improve audiophiles forums a bit though :

As i said i created my mechanical devices control myself at no cost...
It does not look good so what ?
my dedicated room was way worse than that!
You can laugth here ... Not in the threads ... 😉

Now learn how to recognize the vulgar music lovers crowd from the refined audiophile :

Turntable are superior because of their arms and sometimes their legs and foots:

Any audiophiles must learn cartesian coordinates the hard way :

They are two types of audiophiles:
Those who "tastes" the gear pieces sound
And those who only buy by measuring it with a tool.
The two groups are half brains .
A map of them here :

An audiophile dedicated room need an acoustic strategy :

Dont enter into this vicious circle, buy upgrades and call this an audio journey with no end in a straight line :

But some go to extreme to solve a problem with the wrong solution:

The room is the more important for us audiophile .
The proof is here:
Pythagoras teaching about sound and music with no microphones in a dedicated acoustic room 😊

Audiophiles are all in the BDSM group see for yourself here :

If you can identify this old technology you are true dying audiophiles :

If you think the sound is better in the car you are an audiophile:

If you smuggle that in your room without saying anything to your wife you are an audiophile :

i posted these collection of vinyl with a joke in my mind but i dont know why i forgot it completely ..😊
All of you here are mere pretended to be audiophiles anyway...😁
Some are really audiophile .😊

Now pleased complete this list till today, thanks ...

Alas! this dude could be one of you :😊

You sure know how to beat a dead horse!
It is better to beat dead horse than spitting while smiling or worst instead of smiling .....😊
The oldest audiophile interview...
There is a link between audiophile and sound reproduction and other forms of high quality reproduction indeed :
The OP's video hit the mark on the audioboo's hot pursuit of the small lame speaker + huge everything else combos, lol.
I think so. It is the most hilarious audio video i ever seen....☺🤣
The OP's video hit the mark on the audioboo's hot pursuit of the small lame speaker + huge everything else combos, lol.
I have been dosing those cartoons out to my "mailing list" and most everyone is yucking it up - many of them in dire need of humor's brief respite in these absurd and trying times.
Marching In Step
My personal view concerning audiophilia is that all the components must march in step or else the war will not be won.
Oh gosh....I thought all that sh#%&t was really true.