B+W 801D

Well, I have been through a few speakers since I last posted here. I have never been able to hear the 801D and am looking for opinions from people who have actually heard this speaker.
Any and all input appreciated.
What would you like to know? B&W is a serious constructor...
Here are some quick pointers.
You must like the house sound, or keep away.
Very good job of mating the (hard ceramic) tweet with the next in line driver (as is NOT the case in other "ceramic spkrs");
OK sound, at its level, UNLESS you use a very powerful amp, in which case it is good sound indeed with surprising dynamics (through an FM acoustics).
Of course, the FR is covered as is to be expected, down to upper bass.
Very slightly metallic sound if the amplification is inadequate or too "sharp" sounding (example, through some large, supposedly class A, "Vincent" monos).
Not as easy to set up in the room (as say 802, etc), because of the large woof...

Am I being helpful:)?

p.s. the fuzzy sound & blown tweet described above are an accurate description of amplifier distortion aka as "clipping".
I want to hear from objective listeners.
=I want to hear from people that agree with my purchase plan.
06-15-09: Maineiac

I want to hear from objective listeners.
=I want to hear from people that agree with my purchase plan.
Maineiac (System | Threads | Answers)

NO, I am asking for objective assessments NOT emotional( I've got an axe to grind) ones . I have heard speakers that have had alot of great press but they simply weren't my cup of tea. I didn't go online and tell everyone they were crap.Calling something crap which clearly shouldn't be doesn't hold much water with me.I for one was never fond of Revel but just because I don't like them I do not insinuate they are crap.They simply are not my cup of tea.Perhaps it was the setup as I am sure top flight engineers wouldn't put of a crappy flagship speaker. I want to hear the pluses and minuses about this speaker.A thoughful response holds weight in my opinion. Inevitably when anyone posts about WIlson or B+W the axe grinders come out in hoards.
This is the reason I asked for responses from people who ACTUALLY heard the 801D.
I saw on another thread the main contributer to the thread which answered probably 10 posts on how they would sound NEVER EVEN ACTUALLY HEARD THE SPEAKER!!!Incredible,

I do appreciate Gregm's response.