bel canto dac3.7 power cable replacement?

Hi, I have a bel canto dac3.7 that I need a longer replacement power cable for a new setup. Bit of a stupid question but do I need a particular type of power cable or a generic one will do? 

Thanks a lot in advance!


I don't know anything about that particular piece of gear, but I am about 99.9 % sure (I never say 100% about much of anything anymore) that as long as the connection on your Dac is not some weird shape, the female end of any audio power cable will work.  You could verify that by trying one of your  other power cords from other gear just to be positive it fits.

However, if it comes to upgrading power cords from stock to achieve a better sonic presentation, I am still in the learning phase of that subject. 

The power cord from the wall outlet to the DAC's power supply has a standard IEC connector.



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I have a DAC 3.7. I would recommend mid-level Cardas or Kimber.  I also connect that power cord to a PS Audio power regenerator.   I have other DACs, including a Bel Canto Black EX.  The DAC 3.7, IMHO, is a wonderful DAC but does not have MQA.