Benchmark DAC 3B Vs. Schiit Gungnir Multibit and a question.

I currently am using the Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC.  I’m thinking of switching to the Benchmark DAC 3B.  Does anyone have any experience or opinions with regard to both these products? I already have a Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier and would think the DAC would be a good match.  The description of the Benchmark DAC says it’s designed to work directly with an amplifier.  I’ve been using the Gungnir with a CJ preamp until now. Question is, is there still a benefit to using a good preamp with the Benchmark DAC?
You’re right, there is no way to separate the transport from the built-in DAC.
The pure audio mode simply turns the video off during audio playback.
what I’m saying is that the Oppo player by itself is sounding better than the Gungy/transport combination.

I have both a Schiit Gungnir Multibit and two Benchmark DACs in three different systems. In one, a Benchmark DAC2 is connected directly to a Parasound amp. Sounds great (the DAC does have volume control however), but not near as good as my Benchmark DAC into a McIntosh MA252. The Schitt Gungnir feeds a Rogue Pharaoh. 

Both Benchmark DACs are better sounding than the Schiitt. More resolution, wider range. 

You cannot go wring with Benchmark.

I previosly owned the A1 version of the Yggdrasil and now using the Benchmark DAC3L.
The DAC3L is much superior in clarity and neutrality.
That is very good to hear.  I just reordered the Benchmark.
Looking forward to hearing it!
If "super clarity and absolute neutrality" is what you are looking for, the more recent Benchmark DACs will provide that.  A DAC3B exhibited these characteristics in my system while reviewing various DACs.