Save your money.I have biamped the Musician II with VSA vr7s and I could not hear any difference between running them either way.There are those who claim that verticaly biamping will improve sound more so than Horizontly biamping and again I can hear no difference.Using an active crossover may very well yield some benefits,but not at what it cost to do it right.
Benefits of Bi-Amping high-powered amps?
I have a class D Spectron Musician amp that is rated at 500w into 8 ohms. My speakers, Von Schweikert 4.5 III's, are rated at 89db and 6 ohm at which the Musician outputs 600w. Would there be any reason to vertically bi-amp these amps? They seems to have alot of headroom as it is. Does it make sense to bi-amp high output amps?
Thanks for your thoughts.
Thanks for your thoughts.
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