Best Amp+pre-amp for 16-18K

Hi all,
What are your thoughts about what to buy up to 18K. I am thinikng of Levinson , Krell, Ayre, BAT? AR MKII for a pre amp or BAT I am not interested in a tube AMP but no problem with tube peamp. They will be attache dto Vandersteen 5A. Thanks in advance.
The new Krell Mcx 450 mono blocks that I heard are surprisingly very good. A friend of mine has been doing a comparison with some of the top amps and the new Krells have broken away from the Krell house sound. Try them out before you dismiss them. I also agree with Lamm, Rowland 302 and Klyne in the price range.

Happy Listening.
Theta Digital ENTERPRISE MONO block amps and Klyne 7 preamp.
Best combo I ever heard.
Jeff Rowland Model 9T amp

Jeff Rowland Model 302 amp

Gamut M-250 250w mono blocks

Mccormack DNA-2 Deluxe w/Rev A Amp

Meridian 559 amps bridged


Jeff Rowland Synergy IIi Preamp

Threshold T 2 PRE AMP

Levinson 380S preamp

Klyne 7lx3.5

Z systems digital preamp.
What source(s) are you using? That could change the suggestion's some folks would make.
Take a look at I can asure you they sound probably better than Krell!! Check out the tests by Tom Roberts on this site.
