Best city between these two?

Which is the best city between these two....Miami,Fl. or Atlanta, Ga. ? Important considerations are :jobs, weather, audio shopping :), good shopping for the lady, and the arts and alot to do. My fiance has lived in some big cities(London,U.K.,Paris, France) and wants to live in a similar type of city. Anyone who lives in either of these cities now or ever, could you recommend nice areas and opinions? Thanks in advance.
Go to Atlanta, great city, great food, great culture. The NYC of the south. Not quite as hot as Miami, not so far from the ocean that you can't get there, mountains(go to "On the Viranda" in Lakewood NC, incredible cuisine) are just a couple of hours away to the north. Yes its busy and has traffic, name a city that has grown as fast and offers much that doesn't have these problems. Is it London, Chicago, Paris, or New York? Of course not, its Atlanta. And think a little bit about what you can bring to the city, not what all you want to take from it.
And no, I don't live there now, but have, my best friend does live there, owns a restaurant with her husband called Fuego(tapas, Spanish foods) which I did supply the sound system for. And I am from Chicago and lived many years in many places, Boston, Seattle, DFW, all great cities and Atlanta is one of them.
The difference between Miami and yogurt is that yogurt has an active culture. Go with Atlanta.
if you like to sit in traffic move to atlanta. i live 60 miles from atlanta. it does have some good things about it. miami has nice things and is on the beach , big plus. i think miami is a little rough though. i would rather live in orlando, clearwater ,,tampa, hollywood, ft lauderdale, and my little town athens ga. than either city.
I live in Atlanta and I love it. What peolpe say about the traffic is mostly true, though. But, if you don't want to deal with the traffic, live and work in the city. The suburbs are where the traffic is hell.

Have lived in London and (originally from) Paris. My US experience is limited to a few cities, so I can speak about characteristics that yr fiancee (I assume it's "she") may enjoy:
small cafes, restaurants or brasseries, creative shops (any thing from cheese to Xmas ornaments), many venues (small & large) for art exhibs and music, geographical & architectural beauty for nice walks... Standard shopping is so easy in the US I don't think you should relocate for it.

If she's European, however, a nice house and peace & quiet will do! There's also lots of beautiful landscape readily available in the US -- no worry there. Proximity to the sea is also a very strong argument!

NY and Boston are large cities most Europeans feel at home at, particularly NY: in some respects it looks like '30's Europe (rather, what '30's europe would have liked to look like had we had the will & the means!)
