Best Compact System?

Help me out here. A friend in Brasil is doing first change of system in 30 years. Needs something smaller, possibly-all-in-one branded system (please, no Bose!), subs & satellites OK. Desk-top stereo? 2-channel only. He really needs phono input or outboard phono-preamp for playing record collection, and CD playback, FM tuner. Basic, musical-sounding compact system. Price not an obstacle. Any ideas?
I'd definitely consider 47 Labs. Small and "state of the art" will need tuner and speakers though.
Hey, thank you all so much! Always nice to turn another person on to great sound... -Ed
Tell your friend to get the Linn Classik w/integral tuner (used they can be had for ~$1250) and a pair of Linn Tukans (used ~ $500) and he/she will be happy. I've got this set up in my office, and I gave another to my brother for his birthday. We are both extremely satisfied. Though, I have to admit, Cornfedboy does have a point. Compact is a subjective term :)
since cost is not an obstacle, i'd suggest a look at the burmester rondo system. though it's not as "compact" as some lower-end systems, it is robust, single-branded and a joy to perceive, visually and sonically. -kelly
You might have him check out the newer Linn Classik (it lists for about $2K, but if he looks around he can probably find one for around $1500 or maybe less). It's an amp (75W), preamp (w phono), cd player, and tuner...all in one small chassis. I have the prior model Classic (wo the tuner), and it has amazingly good sound quality. Coupled with a pair of quality speakers, you have an excellent 'close-to-highend' system. Hope this helps.
NAD L-40 all-in-one tuner, receiver and CD player and has a remote. He's going to need a seperate phono amp. Maybe the Creek? NAD recommends PSB Alpha Minis. I heard this set up with PSB Sub 5 - nice little system. The only knock I've heard is the CDP isn't very intuitive.