Best in depth of soundstaging and ease for 2k?


I'm looking for a pair of speakers that will go for $2000 or less on Audiogon. I listen almost solely to classical music, and what I really care about is deep soundstaging, and ease of presentation. I think ease is really my most important criterion. Since those two criteria will generally make for a relatively analytical speaker, I plan on warming up the sound with tube gear, likely from Rogue Audio(seems to be the best value on the used market). Does anyone have any recommendations? My room is 17 x 13. Bass response is not my biggest concern, so I might be willing to go with a pair of monitors, but I worry about their presentation of large orchestral works...

Thanks very much.
I use Maggie 1.6 in a room about the same size. Put bass traps (build them yourself and save a bundle) behind the woofer panel (write me for specifics if serious) and you will have all the tight and articulate bass you will ever need and a soundstage much wider and taller than the room itself. I say again, I can not begin to tell you the difference the bass traps made as the speakers are really pretty large for a room that size. The smear in the soundstage just really cleared up.

A used pair of Maggie 1.6 go for about $1100 average on this site depending on age and condition. I hope to get a pair of Mye Stands also for mine and maybe some other tweaks. Very happy with these speakers! Smooth and clear!!! and they will handle the large musical passages. Make sure your amp can deliver some "muscle".

Good Luck!

Hi Omains,

The Harbeth Monitor 30's are a superb loudspeaker, and would certainly be worth considering in your situation, although they may be at the top end of your budget. I had the opportunity to listen to the PMC TB2's the other day, and was floored by these smaller monitors. Smooth, spacious and dynamic, and get the midrange right. Great bottom end down to 40hz. Among the very best smaller speakers I've listened to. There are a pair or two for sale on Audiogon at present, well below your stated budget.

Good luck!
If you liked the Joseph Audio's, I would again suggest listening to the Silverline SR-17's. You can find a used pair for around $1300, and they are extraordinary. You can drive them with as little as 5W. They have a huge soundstage, and you will not want for a floorstander, especially for your taste in music.

Alternatively, I've converted a number of avowed 'horn haters' with my George Wright/Klipsch setup--as open, airy and natural sounding as anything I've ever heard. I would recommend at least auditioning the SET amps, especially for your musical preferences. You could well find yourself in musical nirvana.
Good luck!
I'll second the SR 17's or any of the Silverline speakers.... They sound like just what you're after and can be driven with almost any of your favorite flavor amps (from SET to SS muscle). The Coincidents are also worth investigating for similar reason(s). Good luck and happy listening.
To Boa2,

Thank you so much for your advice, I really appreciate it (same goes for everyone else). I see that there's someone selling the Silverline Sonata II's for about $1700. It seems like that might be a better way to go than the SR-17s (no one has a pair for sale at the moment anyway).

What's a SET amp? Is that a category, or a specific brand? Sorry for the ignorance, this is my first serious hi fi purchase. Also, I'm interested in the Wright monoblocks you mentioned; I had no idea that any speaker could be driven with so little power... Obviously there's something I'm not understanding here, but how can 5wpc monoblocks cost more than some 150wpc ones? The quality difference can't be THAT drastic. Can it?