easola01 oops, my bad I thought the Django's were $6K and the Vandersteen Quatro's are now Quatro CT at $14K. Vandersteen Treo's are $8K. I was also discounting the $6K DAC.
To be clear I consider well designed speakers the most important component. I went round and round prioritizing bandwidth in economical speakers. The very minute my out of position Avaoln's played with my crap electronics my trajectory with this hobby was significantly altered. Even my more than crap electronics waiting to be sold became acceptably impressive.
Of second importance is my phono cartridge. If you value bass get two sealed DSP subs and not inside the speakers.
To be clear I consider well designed speakers the most important component. I went round and round prioritizing bandwidth in economical speakers. The very minute my out of position Avaoln's played with my crap electronics my trajectory with this hobby was significantly altered. Even my more than crap electronics waiting to be sold became acceptably impressive.
Of second importance is my phono cartridge. If you value bass get two sealed DSP subs and not inside the speakers.