Best system for the budding audiophile?

What began as a search for new speakers has rapidly evolved into the development of a new system. After reading many reviews (none of which are negative - Hmmm?!), I am humbly turning to this sage group for recommendations.

I am an avid listener of classical and jazz. I occasionally listen to select blues and rock, but that's not my first love. For me, I like a piano to sound like a piano, a guitar like a guitar, etc. No coloration, just the facts, so to speak. I am not a bass hound but prefer a detailed midrange and clear highs. I also look for a open spacious sound stage for symphonic pieces. I have a large room 15' by 20' but can't be too fussy with placement. I am budgeting around $5,000 for my new system.

Based on this information, what system would you build (Amp, CD player, speakers)? which is better bookshelf speakers with stands or floorstanding? I appreciate any advice you might have.

Thanks in advance,
You could set up very nice Linn active (aktiv) system for under 5K. You should at least give it a listen. For jazz, piano, strings...IMO for everything, the Linn system does it better. It's errors are errors of omission - you won't find bloated bass or tinny highs here. Used Keilidhs-800$, 2 x LK140(amps)850$each, Wakonda(pre)-700$, Genki(CD)-1400(new), K400(Spkr cable) 100$, interconnects included with components. 4700$ total - for a simple, elegant AND AMAZING SOUNDING system. This is my current system. When I hear systems worth many, many times more, I often prefer the sound of mine, and very few systems in it's price range touch it. I agree about a REGA system, excellent value and quality. Also, Castle speakers, Joseph Audio, Audio Physic, Aerial acoustics, Totem, and some of the other British speakers mentioned at the top. - Speaker to avoid: B&W. (a British speaker that the Brits don't buy) - even the top of the line nautilus has a sound that is unrefined and seems to cater to generic tastes (boom&tizz).
Five thousand is 67% higher than three thousand but I submit a 5k system will not sound two thirds better than a three thousand dollar system. There is a diminshing return. That said,you might try this system:

Adcom 200 watt power amp about 5-6c used
Morrison ELAD pre amp about 5c used
Sony 333es cd player aaabout 5c used
Magnum Dynalab or Fanfare tuner 5-6c used.
a good antenna $50?
a pair of Magnepan 1.6qr s about 11-12c used

Your point about reviews in magazines that accept advertising is well taken. Try the reviews at Disregard the reviews from obvious shills and children begging for attention. The tenor of the remaining reviews should give you a fair idea but, in truth, you won't know until you've listened for yourself.
Use the other two grand for cd s or rent.
Just my subjective opinion.

Happy hunting,
This will be VERY difficult to find all of the pieces to (and it is over your $5k tag), but worth considering:

Sony SCD-777ES SACD/CD Player @ $1500 used
Audio Prism Mantissa Tube Line Stage @ $1100 used
Audio Prism Debut II Tube Power amp @ $1100 used
Red Rose Music R3 speakers @ $1600 used
Osiris 24" stands @ $200 used

Red Rose also offer some pretty inexpensive speaker cables and IC's ... you would essentially have the Red Rose Baby Reference system for about 1/3 (or less) of the list price.

For $5,000 for a 2-channel system, you clearly want the Magnepan 1.6QR's as your speakers. Gigantic soundstage, stunning transparency, life-like tonal balance, and totally seamless sound down to around 40Hz makes these true giant-killers. Buy a pair used at around $1,200 (new $1,700). Next get a Bryston 3B-ST amp, an Adcom GFP-750 pre-amp, and a cheap Denon dvd player/changer connected to a Bel Canto Design upsampler/jitter reducer/DAC 1.1 (or the new 192 Hz model). That would be a KILLER $5k system. Good luck.
I second Ccmman's recommendations but would encourage you to install one to two dedicated 20 amp circuits using 10 gauge wire. Include a hospital or audio grade outlet. Next, save a few bucks for power cords, ICs and speaker wire. In your price range, Harmonic Technology Truthlinks may not fit, but I have enjoyed mine.
Happy listening,