Pretty much impossible to say with any certainty what's good or bad becuase it's all about synergy. As case in point was a recent change I made to my system. My original setup was Martin Logan Quest Z's driven by a BATVK-500 amp and Transparent bi-wires, great match. When I sold the ML's and put the Eminent Technology LFT VIII speakers in the mix the sound was very disappointing. I knew I had a cable mismatch and swapped the Transparent for Zu WAX biwires (thanks for the heads up Ron) and voila, bliss. The point is you cannot determine the quality of a component unless it's set up properly; the amps you consider underperformers may very well be set up using wires or even speakers that are not well suited to it's character. Educate your ears and learn to match systems, with few exceptions I really doubt there are "bad" products on the market but I'm certain there are mismatched systems.