Bi Wire Cables vs Jumpers?

Ryan R610 monitors incoming and they are set up for bi wire...My speaker cables are Acoustic Zen Epoch.Choice 1 are the solid copper Cardas Jumper Bars,$45.00...Choice 2 is a new/used pair of Bi Wire cables(expensive) and choice 3 is 1 of the many cable jumpers ($50.00+)available like Nordost or VDH,Signal,Anti etc..,most of which are silver coated copper and stranded wire...Budget being a concern which way would you go?The choice can not in any way add harshness/brightness...Amp is 15wpc.EL84..Thanks very much..

IME, a shotgun bi-wire speaker cable will give you the best possible distortion less sound especially in high frequencies.

I do understand budget constraints, for now I would use the jumpers supplied with the speakers until you can save up for a bi-wire cable.

You can also experiment which configuration sound better by reading this article from Nordost. The diagonal configuration (fig. 3) is quite intriguing.
Great speakers freediver! I built a second sytem with a pair and I really enjoyed them but sadly I am selling it off due to space issues. 
Cables I used were morrow sp4 bi-wire and the sound was very good with no harsh or bright highs. Then switched to DanaCable onix ref mkll shotgun and used the stock numbers and that was even better.