Bit the Bullet ... Don Sachs Model 2 Preamp

So, today I ordered a Don Sachs Model Two Preamp with upgraded caps to drive my 31K ohm SS power amp. This will replace my beloved BAT VK-3i, which I intend to keep ... of course, that could change if the DS Model Two blows me away sonically. I expect to have it in a few weeks. Did a fair amount of reaearch on the DS, and it had great reviews. It's tough to really know unless you hear it in your system. OK ... tell me if I did good on this one. 


I received my modified DS2 last week with Don’s latest Polish made Deulund copy oil caps and 6BY5 rectifier and it sounds amazing! I am hearing more transparency, better sound staging and imaging, more depth, lower floor noise, more air/ambiance. Bass is tighter, midrange is purer/more organic but you are going to be knocked over by its ”HOLOGRAPHIC” presentation; sounds emanating beyond the boundaries of my loudspeakers…

It is astonishing how you are immersed into the music with Don’s DS2 Tube Pre; his original DS2 is Amazing but the updated version is “UNBELIEVABLE”! For those of you who are in the market for a new pre-amp, I highly recommend that you put this pre on your short list. If you already own one of Don’s creations, get this updated version done ASAP!

I am not aware of any mods that can radically change the sound of a system for a very small investment. Act now and get your units in or orders placed soon… 

Wig :)

This thread made me visit Don's page again and I have to say it looks like beautiful workmanship for the money, and the general consensus is that it sounds great.  But what really impressed me is if you own an older component of his and want it with current revisions, the price is more than reasonable.   $75 for a rectifyer upgrade including tube?  That's a bargain.  Pay for only parts after warranty is up? You don't see that too often....I like his straightforward no BS attitude too.  If I were in the market for a new tube pre or amp I would give him serious consideration.
Can anyone share their thoughts about expected tube life for this preamp? Just curious, as I haven't read anything about it. 
I also wonder if using a variac to control and lower the house current (to something like 110) might result in extending tube life.
Preamp tubes will last for many hundreds of hours.They carry a small signal,unlike power tubes.
^^ Make that thousands of hours. We easily get 10,000 hours with 6SN7s in our preamps and Don knows what he's doing- I'm sure its the same there.