Bob Carver 350 tube amps

Anyone with experience using these amps?
I’ve been researching for new amps.  I currently use Classe CAM350’s and they sound great with the Sony SS AR1’s;  Really no reason to stop but I thought about trying tube amps.
I currently use a Cary SLP 05 and love it and was thinking tube amps might be the ticket.

VAC has a great reputation and lots of reviews but not a very good warranty.

Both companies products have new tech for extended tube life but the Carver warranty is vastly superior to the VAC warranty.  Now, what about the sound quality??

Any takers??
Ag insider logo xs@2xd2058
They are amazing, if ur venturing into tubes, this will be your last stop.
 The Carver amps are absolutely sublime, ferocious, subtle, in your face,
all at the same time.

 You will be happy!
I listened to Bob Carvers tube amps at the 2017 RMAF and found them to be wonderful sounding.  I heard both the lower powered amp and higher powered amp and both sounded just right.  I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase one of his amps.  Bob told me his output tubes will last for years because he does not drive them hard. 
I currently own the Bob Carver 350 amps. For a reference point, they replaced Atmasphere 3.3 amps which had previously replaced a Pass Labs X350.5 amp.
 I very much like the sound of the Carvers and has power that is missing with most tube amps.

that's a testament having replaced both of those amps.  

Its seems as if the 350 amps are at a different level of design, quality, and parts compared to the 275, is that about right?

A friend was looking at the 275 recently and we noticed it's got a circuit board, and not fully point-to-point wiring.  Wondering if you or others have  compared the sound of stereo 275 amps to the 350 mono amps.  Is there a major difference sonically, tonally, etc?