Actually this little box sounds great. and a Real Deal now.
Interface not so much.
Thanks for reply, I had Qobuz before Just purchased it again,
Actually pretty much the same boosted Hiend.. The Radio portion is much more of a relaxed sound.
so- Going to bring home a streamer from local Hiend store for a trial and return it
I just joined Qobuz (trial), is it customary for it not to play full tracks until you pay?
I would probably try firing up a trial of Qobuz and see how that compares to Tidal.
Radio Paradise sounds great well balanced not Brite
What now
I had seen the Manic moose 🫎 interface (Lumin is right there too as it sucks) and the only thing worse is the Bryston’s way of accessing BDA3 settings thru an IP address. Upgrading the firmware on my then BDA3 DAC was one of the worst user experiences ever. I almost bricked it. Lol
Bryston sound is good though so that’s nothing to complain about.
Lumin U2 and Aurender N200 will be a step or two above the Bryston in my opinion.
I dumped Aurender in favor of the Bryston, which I think sounds w-a-y better. Of course, it lacks the Aurender's sexy interface.
@hiend2 I suspect the following to be the root cause -
Network components in close proximity to your electronics and cables - router, modem, extender, switch, etc. - this causes EMI and RFI that gets picked up by your streamer and translates to noise and jitter that is then transferred to the DAC and the DAC clock is struggling therefore you get dirty top end and smearing. Why does the CD transport sound amazing you ask? That’s because when you’re using spdif or AES/EBU to connect CD transport to DAC the Jay’s Audio OCXO clock is what that digital chain relies on and that clock is superb plus you’re spinning physical media and there’s no network garbage that can enter Jay’s
Your USB cable is not shielded well enough to reject noise. I don’t know what that silnote usb is like but USB cables make a hige difference
Your BDP-3 streamer is OK but doesn’t match the quality of your cd playback. There are better units out there. Lumin U2 and Aurender N200 will be a step or two above the Bryston in my opinion.
Yes I run the jays transport actually kind of the opposite kind of reserved voice table pretty balanced so it’s the digital coming in
thanks for replies
I have a BDP-3 and a BDA-3 and wouldn't call either of them bright. Is the cable modem you're using provided by the ISP? You might want to buy your own and see if you can find improvement there.
Do you have sources in your system other than the BDP-3? How do they sound?
Thanks for the info Guys.
Maybe internet service/modem.
Thinking about getting a second service Like dsl to see if there is any improvment
over cable modem
BDA-3 isn’t bright either. I owned it. I’m willing to bet it’s not the streamer and not the DAC that cause brightness. Something else is going on there.
Can’t comment on the BDA-3 but I would definitely not call my BDP-3 bright. I’m using it with an Esoteric K-05XD via Siltech 380 USB.
Sorry about the spelling I’m doing it while driving taxi
Silnote. Ran a carbon they the usb
all are kind of brite I just noticed there is a dealer out here in Las Vegas, which I live as a high-end shop that has render and lumen I’m gonna bring the BDP down there and compare
What cable connects bdp to bda
I guess I should listen to some other recordings before I make a determination thanks for the replies. It just seems a little top-heavy so a bright recording sounds too bright but a doll recording sounds good so on and on we go.
It’s a tough comparison between a CD transport of that caliber and a BDP3.
The best connection for the Jays to BDA would be AES/EBU and for the BDP3 is the USB.
Few things to check…
make sure your network components (router, access points, etc) are at least one meter away from cables and components.
use high quality usb cable. You can also try coax but that is unlikely to beat usb in case of bdp3
can you explain what you mean by mids and highs are out of balance?
Its been like this right along, I will take your ideas.
Tital and Qobuzz very close Tital is less congested
From what I read the Bdp-3 has very good sound quality.
Well Id look for a More relaxed Presentation in a new streamer
Start all of a sudden? Happen on all streamed tracks? Maybe see if you can rip one of your CDs to a file and play that off the BDP-3. USB thumb drive should work for a test. Or hop into the radio section use the Radio Paradise app and see how that sounds. The RP app will stream at redbook quality. Just ideas to see if you can isolate the source issue.
Also do a trial of Qobuz and see it that has same issue.
Using quality cable, tried all input variations Have audiophile powercords on Dac And streamer Qualty Cat cable ect