budget Cables / Interconnects recommendations?

Hello all- For the past 10 years I have been using some cheap mostercable type interconnects, and I'm wondering I'f I'm missing out. My set-up includes a pair of VTL compact 100 tube monoblocks powering a pair of NHT super-two's. Main source is a rega Planar 3 (about to hopefully be fitted with a BENZ ACE) with an adcom pre (that I am about to replace, with what I am not sure, something tube I imagine)-- anyways, It seems that I could easily buy cables that cost more than my components. Do they really make that big of a difference or is the money better spent elsewhere? What brand would be a good place to start to do better than my cheap wal-mart cables but not spend a fortune? thanks- M
Signalcable.com good quality, fairly priced, reliable manufacturer.Cheers,
There will be too many opinions to count. I am happy with my choices. Cables: Blue Jeans cables, Cobalt Cables, Speltz. Pre-amp: Modwright, PS Audio, AES to name just a few. Until you spend a lot more on the components I don't believe you will reap the benefits of expensive wires. Good luck and have fun.
Guerilla Audio cables IMO are a great value and have a home trial policy. The owner Jason bends over backwards to make you happy and graciously accepts his returns.
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I have owned and used many different cables and interconnects in the past 33 years. IMHO from my experiences, except for a couple brands, most of the interconnects between active components (pre-amp, power amp, CD player, etc.) sound pretty much the same, especially in short length (1-2m). Their effects are so insignificant that you won't hear a difference during normal listening. The only place an interconnect can make a significant difference is in between a MC step-up transformer and a phono amp. There is absolutely no need to buy expensive interconnects. You will get better results investing that money in other areas.