Cal audio ssp 2500 for SACD multi-channel

I have a cal audio ssp 2500 that I love for HT and 2 channel. I now have a modified Denon 3910 and would love to be able to use the 2500 to pass through the multi-channel analog for SACD from the 3910. The 2500 does not have a multi-channel pass through.

Any suggestions?

Jmpwme, have you spoken with Blue Cirlce to see what would be required. Hell, most of the old Cal audio engineering is at Adcom and they COULD do it. Big difference though between CAN and WILL:).
yes - drop an email to Gilbert at Blue Circle. He is familiar with the issue. He suggested an outboard box/pass through option.
So, does anyone know what the final verdict is? Did anyone/company state they will do it? Was Scott Morris able to produce the schematics? I'd be interested in hearing the answer as well as if anyone actually has the final product.

I absolutely love my CAL ssp2500. While I no longer use the CAL for 2ch music, as I have turned that function over to my audiomeca Enkianthus X dac and Joule LA-100 pre, I'm still impressed by the quality of the internal dac of the CAL. The CAL can, whenever one becomes available on audiogon, really make one heck of an awesome audio bargain as a surround processor, dac, and preamp.

I have another question. Does anyone know if it is possible to update the CAL SSP2500 to decode dolby pro logic 2, DTS neo6, and any of the newer surround codecs out there? I'd be really interested if anyone has any imput.

Thanks much,