CD recorder?

Will be transferring over vinyl to cd's and was wondering which recorder will be the best for this?
I am considering the alesis masterlink 9600, is this a good choice?

You'll love it. Let us know. Make sure you read the manual front to back a few times. I'm not a pro with it (I don't use the processing, equalization, etc) but very good with recording so holler if you need anything.
I recommend you only consider a pro model. Consumer models are too restricting.
The Denon in my system makes perfect recordings every time and retails for about $600. The player sounds very good also. Highly recommended.

It replaced a $900 California Audio Labs Icon mkII player which was highly regarded by many in its day. I thought the Denon sounded better. I could hear more detail out of CDs.

When I bought it, I was expecting to have to go for a good player in addition, but I haven't heard anything to convince myself it is needed so far, so I've stayed put. IT was a great investment for what I paid.
I had marantz dr700, which I believe the same electronics as the 6000. Not so good recordings from LP. Bit harsh with that bad digital noise. It records only on Audio-CDR and not on simple cdr. Alesis is a much better choice, it mellows the transitiens, but fairly musical, nice recordings. Now I have apogge rosetta 200 ad/da,and I record LPs to computer harddisk. Way better quality, easy to use. The standalone apogee mini ad is at half price.
I have had the Alesis for 3 years or so and absolutely LOVE it. The CD's I have burned from it are awesome. Very easy to use once you get the hang of things and very flexible. HIGHLY recommended. Mickey Fremer reviewed it a while ago and it has been in his reference system ever since. The CD playback from the unit is very good also, though I don't use it as my stand alone CD player.
I use a Burnit Plus CDR-830 by HHB. I like it and it is a pro machine with balanced ins and outs. It allows you to add text to your CDs also. It even makes a good player. The Alesis is probably good to.
I recently bought a Sony RCD-W500C and while it does a fine job or recording analog to cd's, figuring out the process was another story.

I was lucky enough to get in contact with a member off of Audio Asylum that had the same model and he sent me an email with step by step instructions. I believe that I still have the instructions if you should get the Sony and cant figure it out.
That's a nice looking unit, wish they had that when I bought mine a couple of years ago, Marantz Pro CDR510, which does a very good job....I haven't gotten into the intricacies of the unit, it does much, much more than I'll ever use it for. Probably what I like most about it besides its true recording capabilities (not adding anything) is it will add a 'track every minute', which is useful for off-air FM recording.

I saw one of these sell here a year ago for $100...must have been 'hot', as it was $700 new.

I have a HHB-CDR-830 and I like it alot(no XLR inputs)
I have had her for approx 5yrs.and she's never failed.
We'll built, great recordings(LPs,cds ect.)HHB also has newer models.
I picked mine up at Long&Mcquade ltd.(musical instrument) store.We'll known thru out Canada
Yes good choice - here is a pro option HHB CDR850

In double blind listening tests audiophiles, recording engineers and laypeople participants could not tell when the A to D and D to A of this device was inserted in the signal path. So that is probably a good sign of quality.
I don't think you can go wrong with any reputable CD Recorder. I've been doing the transfer for a few years now (long time project) using a Marantz 6000. I recommend it very highly - works great, easy to use, makes great CDs. I'm not familiar with the Alesis but I've used a lot of their home studio stuff. I checked it out on the ZZounds site and it looks pretty awesome.

Have fun with i!
