CD recorder?

Will be transferring over vinyl to cd's and was wondering which recorder will be the best for this?
I am considering the alesis masterlink 9600, is this a good choice?
I recently bought a Sony RCD-W500C and while it does a fine job or recording analog to cd's, figuring out the process was another story.

I was lucky enough to get in contact with a member off of Audio Asylum that had the same model and he sent me an email with step by step instructions. I believe that I still have the instructions if you should get the Sony and cant figure it out.
I use a Burnit Plus CDR-830 by HHB. I like it and it is a pro machine with balanced ins and outs. It allows you to add text to your CDs also. It even makes a good player. The Alesis is probably good to.
I have had the Alesis for 3 years or so and absolutely LOVE it. The CD's I have burned from it are awesome. Very easy to use once you get the hang of things and very flexible. HIGHLY recommended. Mickey Fremer reviewed it a while ago and it has been in his reference system ever since. The CD playback from the unit is very good also, though I don't use it as my stand alone CD player.
I had marantz dr700, which I believe the same electronics as the 6000. Not so good recordings from LP. Bit harsh with that bad digital noise. It records only on Audio-CDR and not on simple cdr. Alesis is a much better choice, it mellows the transitiens, but fairly musical, nice recordings. Now I have apogge rosetta 200 ad/da,and I record LPs to computer harddisk. Way better quality, easy to use. The standalone apogee mini ad is at half price.
The Denon in my system makes perfect recordings every time and retails for about $600. The player sounds very good also. Highly recommended.

It replaced a $900 California Audio Labs Icon mkII player which was highly regarded by many in its day. I thought the Denon sounded better. I could hear more detail out of CDs.

When I bought it, I was expecting to have to go for a good player in addition, but I haven't heard anything to convince myself it is needed so far, so I've stayed put. IT was a great investment for what I paid.