Dear All,

I got hooked by the SET sound and am considering selling my Audio Research based system (REF 5 SE preamp and REF150 power) and Wilson SOPHIA 3 speakers. In exchange I would buy a level 3/4 system. M3 phono balanced input pre, P3 Tonnmeister power and AN E AN-E-SPe HE 98db or  AN-E/SPx ALNICO 95 dB speakers. 

However, considering the good quality I already have, I fear being a little downgraded. Wonder what is your opinion. 

My room allows corner placement, and has 30 m2 with 2,4 m height ceiling. 

Best regards,


Hi sns my monoes are the Siltech SEPA. (2004)There were only produced 15 pairs and we sololy sold to distributors over the world.

A really cost No objekt from the former Phillips ingenier Edwin van der Kley Rynveld. Who acqured  Siltech in start of the 90’.

The used tube is a special invented nuvistor type that in this configuration is making 80 W/ 8 Ohm.

The only drawbach for me is that is actually is not a ballanced design as the rest of my system. 
Several years ago i took all gear away from the middle of the speaker and placed it on the sidewall, and am going with 10mtr IC cabels, hence the need of the ballanced cabels. At High volumen simple a must.

I must admit that i love huge speakers, “there is No substitute for cubic.” also fitts well for speakers.

Kind of relevant, but perhaps not?

So much praise is given to SET amplification and the magic flea watt amps produce with high efficiency speakers.

As financial resources are limited for me, and as I wanted to get a general sense of what a SET sound  signature was like, I bought a Heathkit SA-3 integrated amp off Kijiji. My plan was to replace all the resistors and capacitors and see what it sounded like. Well, that was an exercise in frustration. Something went wrong and I could not for the life of me find the source of the offending sound. So, I changed tactics…  Stripped it down completely, replaced all the resistors (again), capacitors (with audiophile grade caps), tube sockets and all the wires. Also built a new enclosure. As I write this, I realize all I bought was three transformers and some vintage tubes…

Finally finished it up last week. Worked my way up through my “collection” of speakers starting with the super inexpensive DIY experiments. Tuning the circuit and making adjustments along the way. As the speakers got better, the amp was improving and was matching better with the speakers. It’s about a 2 watt amp and did a surprisingly good job driving my ESL-57’s. Last night I replaced the ESL’s with the Cornwalls. (The SA-3 is an EL84 based amp - went that route because of the Decware SE84UFO…)

Everything I’ve read about SET tube amplification was confirmed when I hooked up the Cornwalls. I can see how people either connect with it or not. I happen to like it!

All that to say, I understand your desire to go the route you are going. I’ve certainly been bitten by the SET bug. For now…

My concern is how am I going to feel about this sound signature being the only one I have access to? (Should I get a “proper” SET amp and let go of my other gear to fund it) Only time will tell. So, my oh so very inexpensive little SET amp will have to do some ongoing music duties before I make that change. 

As far as the AN speakers, when I was at an audio show recently, it was the AN room with the AN-K speakers that “felt” right

I look forward to hearing how your journey ends.

SET and front horns can have a natural synergy and you will not have to worry about output levels. Dynamic box speakers and a SET is kind of SETing yourself up for failure.



Cool experiment, I am envious of your skills…never could master the art of elegant soldering.

So, my oh so very inexpensive little SET amp will have to do some ongoing music duties before I make that change. 

If you like the sound of the el84 in your circuit it is technically a SEP (single ended pentode) just wait until you hear a true single ended triode well executed. As someone who has fallen into the SET rabbit hole, if you like what you hear, stop! It gets very expensive very quickly. Best wishes.




You are correct! SEP indeed… Dragon chasing is very much one of my personality defects. So deep in the rabbit hole I can barely see the exit.

After many hours of mucking about, I have managed to get all the voltages to where they are supposed to be in the amp. Without having access to a scope, I have to trust my ears when it comes to distortion and output volume. Certainly plays more than loud enough through my Cornwalls.  Now I just need to find the source of the 120hz hum. Rectifier tube? Filter caps? Ripple voltage? Ground loop? 

Should have the last issues resolved soon. Then I can put it in a couple of pretty boxes, upgrade the tubes and call it a day. 

Put some photos in my system page.

After my first post I had some more listening time to an AN system on my dealer. AN E  LX Hemp, 94 db, AN M2 Line preamp and P1 SE SIGNATURE power. 

returning home and listening TO the same tracks on my system, the sound seemed hard and aggressive, lesser texture and lesser tonality. my room at home has no treatment and the dealer has a lot of Treatment. The source was an AN transport plus DAC. At home is a Meridian G08. 
I have an offer to buy me back my REF150 and Sophia 3 and getting a P3 tonemeister silver and ANE SPE. For the power amp I feel comfortable on the change. However, for the loudspeakers, I feel I am exchanging a nice Audi for a good Ford. The later is very enjoyable to drive but the former is technologically superior. I don’t know if the image is good enough. But I feel I am trading a speaker technolohically more advanced for one with not such technical and innovative solutions but with a simple and sound engineering. 

I will have a home demo of the same system. 



Your concerns over the speakers is understandable, it happens all the time when we analyze potential outcomes rather than just listening. Room acoustics and technology can cause alot of heartburn….when, in fact, you are about to learn a great deal. You will know fairly quickly if the an-e’s couple with your room synergistically. I would also recommend that you suspend disbelief until you hear it in your room. In no way at all do I agree with your characterization of the sophias as the audi, the audio note as Ford. New tech vs old tech as if new tech must sound better. The audio note speakers in the right system and the right room will sound exceptional. Same goes for your sophias. Dont let your new tech/old tech thoughts guide how you will hear before hearing. New tech cello vs old tech….new tech piano vs old tech. The audio note speakers arent meant to be inert like wilsons, they are meant to act like instruments.

In no way at all do I agree with your characterization of the sophias as the audi, the audio note as Ford. New tech vs old tech as if new tech must sound better. The audio note speakers in the right system and the right room will sound exceptional. Same goes for your sophias. Dont let your new tech/old tech thoughts guide how you will hear before hearing. New tech cello vs old tech….new tech piano vs old tech. The audio note speakers arent meant to be inert like wilsons, they are meant to act like instruments.

Excellent point and agree 100%

i just do not buy that "new tech" is by default the superior choice, particularly in regard to music/audio matters. You have to listen and trust your ears and judgement.


@ghasley ,


thanks a lot for your post. I will definitely have the system in my room and listen to see if it works well. 

by the way, the speakers will be ANE SPe HE, which have the hempel woofer and high efficiency. At the time is the best I can afford. The price more than doubles for the signatures and it is almost 3x for the AlNiCo, which I believe would be the best option. 

do you think having the silver signature would be a great upgrade?



Listen in your room, make notes and then discuss it with your dealer. You assume the alnicos and the signature speakers would sound better in your room which may not be the case depending on amp selection and room interaction. For instance, the alnicos are less efficient and some dealers believe the alnico version pairs better with their 211 amps vs their 300b amps. The an-e spe he is the sweet spot in the e lineup, quite versatile given its higher efficiency and combo of silver wire/copper vocecoils. But let your ears decide.


Do I like the el84 amp in the se signature guise vs the tonmeister silver? Absolutely but thats what I like…others would get angry if they happen to feel otherwise. You might enjoy the audio note speakers buried in the corners with your audio research setup…they would for sure be more dynamic than anything youve experienced and who knows, the drive of the arc gear combined with the damping factor might combine wonderfully in your room. Have fun, forget your preconceived notions and just listen.

good thread, good best to you.

consider a quick RT60 measure of your room vs. dealer as they seem wildly divergent…..