Chat GPT wrote a poem about digital vs analog

Analog and digital, two sides of sound

One warm and fluid, the other crisp and bound

Analog flows like a river's gentle sway

While digital stands, precise and clear in its way

The hum of the needle, the crackle of vinyl

The art of the analog, a classic timeless symbol

Digital, born of ones and zeros, pure and bright

A symphony of technology, ready for the fight

But both have their place, in music and our hearts

Analog's soulful essence, digital's pristine art

Together they stand, a testament to time

One cannot replace the other, they both truly shine.


This AI is indeed full of feces. 

It only can think and answer within boundaries of political correctness and censorship which very often misleading on purpose.

I agree, and am thankful that AI has a long way to go.

Its like doing a web search and pasting the key findings into in essay 

It is clever technically. As for content, it is broad broad but shallow.


Kind of fun to play with though🙂