@hifijones Do you think one of those self learning remotes could be substituted? I too had Chinese dac remote go bad, in my case I found bad solder joint, reflowed, good to go. This only failure I've incurred with Chinese products.
And it is possible that one of these unfamiliar Chinese brands may in fact be good quality. Again, open up and examine.
And oh, by the way, I built a Dynaco clone from kit some years ago, many Chinese parts in that build, and all kit builds for that matter. If one is intransigent on buying Chinese, they should remove all Chinese built parts in everything they own, see how you like your life now. And that dealer should get out of audio business, he's selling Chinese products, just ignorant or in denial.
There is and always has been much injustice in this world, and from every quarter. Moral certitude about these issues is inherently hypocritical in human realm. Faulty rationalizations need be practiced in order for one to not see themselves as part of this system of injustices.