Coincident Dragon vs Coincident Frankenstein

I have recently switched from a (relatively) low efficiency speaker (Verity Parsifal) to high efficiency (Devore Orangutan O/93).

I absolutely love my Coincident Dragons, but was wondering if maybe I should make a switch to the frankensteins.

Has anyone heard/compared the two in a similar system ? What would I be losing /gaining by the switch. I heard Israel once claimed that the Dragon's had 95% purity of the Frankenstein, if that's really true I might keep the dragons since it probably has better bass.

Thoughts ?
You are correct about Israel Blume's significant other, she accompanied him at numerous shows over the years. I met her at 2011 RMAF and she was quite attractive and personable. She definitely wasn't blonde. Essrand, Drdavid and Jimmy pang have owned both amplifiers and could provide much worthy insight. The Dragon amplifier would certainly be the more universal and flexible amplifier given it's much higher power rating. My suspicion is that either of these amplifiers would sound very good with your Devore speaker.

You might read the thoughts on the high-end-audio blog:

Just search for the heading - "The Dragon or the Frankenstein?"

There may also be some other comparisons between the two amps in other locations on the blog.