I agree with Mijo; the first thing that crossed my mind when I read your OP is that the Miyajima might sound even better in a higher effective mass tonearm. Fortunately, it’s easy to increase the effective mass of the tonearm, whereas there is very little one can do to do decrease effective mass. You might consider wrapping your triplanar in some dampening tape, for example, which will add some effective mass. Of course, the crude solution is to glue a penny or a nickel to the head shell. I have direct experience with this issue as regards my Koetsu Urushi cartridge, which is also low in compliance. It sounds remarkably better in my FIdelity Research FR64S tonearm than it did in my triplanar. Yet all other things being equal, the triplanar is certainly just as good a tonearm as the FR64S. Because the Koetsu did sound decent in my triplanar, it took years before I even thought of experimenting with higher effective mass.