Decco USB Connect Not found by Windows XP PC

All.... I really need some help here. I have a Toshiba laptop with ITunes 9 that I was connecting to my Peachtree Audio Decco via USB and things were working great the first week. I go away for a week, come back and now my laptop says USB device not recognized when I connect it back up. It recognized it the whole first week?

Microsoft does not have a place to download a USB driver(Service Packs are it). Has anyone had this same issue, and if so, have you been able to solve it. WHen I look in the device manager, USB2 is shown, but then I connect the Decco and walla, "USB Device not recognized".

I am quite PC literate, and have had a music server running my sqeezeboxes for 3 or 4 years, so I'm not a rookie here, but I am flumoxed on this one. I would really appreciate any gurus out there, or someone from PeachTree/Era, if they could help me on this one. Hopefully, upgrading to Windows 7 isn't the cure, nor buying a Mac Mini from you Apple polishers. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Showing 3 responses by rootmann

Thanks to all three of you for responding.

Some added info. I have 3 Decco's here at my beach house. All 3 are acting the same way. Unfortunately I don't have another computer with me right now. I have swapped out all 3 Decco's with multiple USB cables.

Metralla- Trust me plug and play is not working. I'm head of my IT dept for a Defense agency of 10K staff. I'm not trying to be a smart ass, but when I say I'm PC literate, I'm not trying to brag, but are a little up from a "novice" in this arena. I did what you stated on my own and rebuilt things. I know there are only 6 drivers for USB for XP. I talked to MS and they told me Service Pack 3 should pick it up. It shows USB2 and Hub support in the device drivers when it's rebuilt.

Almarg - Model is M65-S821 purchased about 3/4 years ago. Operating system has been rock steady, believe it or not, and all patches and Service Packs up to 3 have been installed. I patch things nightly on this and all my boxes when there are patches available.

The crazy thing about this is the first time I got the Decco's out of the box, they came up no problem and worked for the week we were here in July at our house. Now I come back in Sept/Oct and it says,"USB Device not recognized", but it looks in device manager like all drivers are there and I went through rebuild like Metralla said just to go clean slate, since I know fungu happens in this business. I guess next step is to reload XP from scratch, or just wait a week until Windows 7 disk arrives, huh.

Thanks again for all 3 replies. My TT sounds good through the Decco while I trouble shoot and keeps rock and roll flowing here at the beach.


Thanks for your continued help in trying to solve this crazy sitution. I have in fact connected other USB devices and they are found by my laptop. In an hour, my cousin is bringing his laptop over to our house since he's near us in NC so I can try it with my DECCO.

I have checked the battery, and it appears Bios settings are good and the battery is not dead. I wish that were it. Wouldn't that be good.

I was trying to back out the Service Pack 3, but am unable to do that without reloading the OS. Don't want to go there yet with Windows 7 a week away.

Really appreciate all your help.


I got the answer to why my Decco wasn't working. It turns out the USB card shorted out due to the ground not being soldered correctly, according to Signal Path, the manufacturer. There was nothing wrong with my Toshiba laptop, nor the other two laptops we tried with them.

Thanks to all of you who tried to assist me in fixing my PC, which it turns out is fine. LOL. I guess I'll be boxing up both of these units to return to have them retro fitted with new USB Dac cards.

