Decware and Zu. A pairing made in heaven

I received my Decware SE34I.5 integrated SET amp to day... simply blew me away.  I have Zu Omen Def Mk ii's with the Radian upgrades.  It drives them effortlessly. The bass is sublime, the soundstage is huge, everything has a fleshy 3 dimensional quality to it, and the voices, I mean they might as well be in the room. But the thing that I wasn't prepared for was the dynamics.   I put Dave Brubeck's Take Five on and the drum solo was so real sounding, so "there" - it's the bass I've been searching for.  I have to say job well done Mr. Deckert, job well done!
How loud can you get the zu's with the 6 watt amp.? I have the same Zus and shopping for a tube amp. I am looking at Primaluna
I'm in a small room, and it can get LOUD.  Uncomfortably so. I dought, even in a large room it would have any real problems. 

Go low watt 4-10.  I use a 97.5 db Klipsch Quartets on one system with a Grommes PHI-26  a single-ended, Class A EL84 integrated amp (1.8wpc triode/6wpc pentode) and it gets loud.  :)