I myself thank you for the information provided by your measures ABOUT THE GEAR...I did not thank you for your assault on human listening experience with mere few electrical tools used to measure GEAR ...
I dont insulted you and i dont played with you..... dont play with me and ANSWER ME ABOUT THE CONTENT OF THESE ARTICLES ...
But you never answered what i spoke about with 4 articles...
All saying that human hearing abilities and perceptive experience cannot be predicted by the kind of measurements you provide...
Debunking gear and fetichism of audiophiles DONT MEANS THAT ALL THEIR LISTENING EXPERIENCE IS ILLUSORY...
The heart of audio is psycho-acoustic... Not gear mesures so useful they are...
ANSWER this physicist who design high end audio as a hobby without ad hominem attack this time...
This physicist is Dr. Hans R.E. van Maanen, His hobbies are listening to music (mostly classical), developing high-end audio systems
«Although the Fourier theory has been well established since the second half of the 19th century,it is surprising that so little attention is given nowadays to the conditions, required to apply the linear theory. It has been applied unreluctantly to electronics and human hearing, even though neither fulfill either of these requirements. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that the results are inconsistent with listening experiences. »
«The effects in time domain of non-linear behaviour in combination with memory effects could explain why e.g. amplifiers with similar properties regarding frequency response and distortion
levels, sound different. It is to be expected that ten (10) different designs will produce ten different responses to music signals and thus receive a different perceptual qualification.»
This physicist seems to know better than Amir ... 😊
By the way he say the same thing that Oppenheim and Magnasco :
«Although it is outside the scope of this paper, it should be noted that human hearing is likely to be neither linear nor time-invariant,...»