Diminishing Returns

I’ve reached a point, after much tweaking in my system thanks to Audiogon, I’m moving away from the forum. I’ve gotten to a place where I’m so satisfied with my system that further improvements, while I’m sure they will work, I don’t care.  I used to read  with great interest the weekly listing of the most popular posts.  I’m now finding it boring.  I think It’s time to get off the Merry-Go-Round.
Aside from the “Music” posts” that will be it.
Wow!  I am impressed!

After all these years of chasing, and never obtaining Audio Nirvana myself, here is a person who has become truly happy!

May all of your components never ever fail or wear out!

Enjoy the music!

To get back to the main question, I hate to say that I seem to be moving into 'tweak' mode.
Like you, I love how my systems sound, but knowing there might be something out there that might improve my sound, I keep trying new things.
Not big ticket items, but things like cables (though they can get a bit expensive).
My real downfall is visiting Audioconnection with Ctsooner. He and Johnny seem to always find new things to play with. Unfortunately, these things seem to really make a positive change.🤩

I think I’m at the point where I don’t care if the system can sound better.  Of course this may change somewhere down the line.  But right now, I’m alright.
Good for you, I wish I could say the same, but with the help of these forums I am confident I will get there. I think I am off the upgrade merry-go-round as I am currently very satisfied with the equipment I have and the sound it is able to reproduce. 

Maybe a few more tweaks, power cords, an ic or two and speaker cables maybe all or maybe none... then I would like to enjoy what I have built. Yes, I will probably follow the forums on thing of interest especially music, as that is why we are all on the long and winding road....I am just looking for a rest stop for awhile....

Dont think about cables to go there... It takes more than that... I know because I am there... My best to you...