Dirty little secret of Pedigreed, decades old Speaker line - no one will address

For decades ever since it was first launched, all high end competitors have made major revisions to their midrange drivers. Yet YG Acoustics has done so - zero times. It still has the dubious, aluminum cone tech they first introduced.on day one. Their rationale for their supposedly superior construction has been completely rejected by all other companies who have neverconsidered considering imitating it.  They almost seem to be aspiring to copy Paradigm's entry level models (a co. that has ditched them for Beryillium on anything more premium). All while improving the frequency extremes only.  It certainly looks like they're endlessly, dead set on proclaiming it's somehow a feature & not a bug & eternally racing down this dead end. Their U.S. distributor has hired their sales director away to sell a competing brand they ALSO distribute, Vivid - that does have a far more sophisticated midrange driver & does it eve outsell YG.  In one of the distributor's online videos sent out free in their newsletter, the former YG sales guru, proclaims he has never felt nearly so engaged with the music - a clear knock to his old co. YG.  The owner, of said distributor standing right beside him, agreeing & not saying a word to disagree.  YG's response is to update the frequency extremes only, yet again & move down market to create a less expensive line. Even B&W replaced & updated their midrange driver tech, with their continuum. One of the strangest, most determined, longest running, self sabotaging mrkting decisions I've seen in high end audio. There must be the most peculiar, Why animating this but I can't imagine what it would be that remotely serves them.  Can you?


What a bizarre post. YGs billet core process has a lot going for it from a structural and materials perspective if the intention is to make a metal coned driver. It's biggest drawback is that it's expensive and relativel time consuming - even on a fast CNC machine. At this stage in the evolution of cone and cabinet loudspeakers changes and improvements are pretty incremental right across the board.

And what's wrong with a manufacturer introducing a more affordable line - as far as I'm concerned that's to be applauded.

BTW I am not a massive fan of the sound of YG speakers personally - but that's o do with how they are voiced and absolutely not the design and engineering.

Someone ordered 10,000 instead of 1000. And they have been stuck ever since

 It happens.  Or they got a great deal on 10,000. Or they believe it can't be improved. 

ATC has really changed their excellent done midrange driver much since the early 80’s & it’s still considered amongst the best . Why fool w/ excellence ? 

There’s examples of good & not great sounding versions of virtually every speaker technology so the theoretical  design & driver material  is only important  / impressive on paper & not necessarily in actual use. 

Someone ordered 10,000 instead of 1000. And they have been stuck ever since

 It happens.  Or they got a great deal on 10,000. Or they believe it can't be improved. 


...That’s what I was thinking too...