DIY 'rack' made from dead tree brances ?

Sometimes we come across dead trees or just branches lying around.  I've been considering gathering some of these up and strapping them into a sort of 'rack'  -  more like an equipment 'tree'.  Have any of you heard of doing this ?  It seems like the various sizes of branches involved would make quite good damping of various vibrations and it gives even greater flexibility as far as placement of components and cables compared to a standard shelf rack  -  And if you need an extra space for something new, easy enough to expand this tree  -  and it would cause very minimal acoustical effect in the room, less interactions with loudspeakers, etc.
The branches of the tree could be bound together with glue and strong twine (would look better than cable ties, I think).  To further damp vibrations, one could even put in bungee cords between some of the branches and place components on these.  The branches could be polyethelyne coated or not, whatever floats your boat.  And maybe use a flame thrower to kill molds and parasites before building with them. 
Wanting to hear experiences, if any, or just your thoughts.  Thanks. 

One more thing.  I am new here (not on Audiogon, but on the forum) and am not sure how I will see any replies to this post.  Any pointers on that would be appreciated. 

Mahlman:  I think potted small trees shaped through years of bending as they grow and doing the bonsai thing on them would be better. The grow lights can provide great ambient light conducive to the proper mindset for audio. The leaves will help organically balance any resonances in the room and give you more oxygen while purging the harmful CO2 you exhale.

After reading all the brilliant advice in this thread I have decided to ditch everything I have learned over three decades of experience. For my new rack I have a rubber tree plant growing in a pot. Found one with a branch big enough to hang some bungee cords off it. The component needs to go on a shelf. For that I got one of those bamboo place mats. You know the kind you can roll up. Under that is some straw. Under the straw is an inner tube. The inner tube sits on some tennis balls. I cut holes in the tennis balls, string the bungee cords through the holes, back up to the branch. The pot is barely big enough to hold all this without tipping over. Now that I know a rickety rack is better, this is as solid as geoffkait reasoning, so it must be good.
I think potted small trees shaped through years of bending as they grow and doing the bonsai thing on them would be better. The grow lights can provide great ambient light conducive to the proper mindset for audio. The leaves will help organically balance any resonances in the room and give you more oxygen while purging the harmful CO2 you exhale.
choppi2003 OP
I’m liking the bungee cord idea, too.
Would be nice to find some attractive bungee cords.

>>>>>Bungee cords can be found in a variety of attractive colors and the only thing you would need to do is match the bungee cord spring rate to weight of the component being isolated/suspended. Plus you’ll need a rigid frame for the bungee cords. Use a maple board for a shelf and drill holes in the four corners of the board to attach the bungee cords. Voila! 🤗
geoffkait16,219 posts07-12-2019 5:02am
A rickety, flexible rack will sound better than a rigid rack. That’s because when low frequency vibration tries to travel up through the rack from the floor the rickety rack will move and flex slightly as the vibration travels up through it, reducing the amplitude of the vibrations.
Yep.  I think 'green' wood would be best for this project, but one would have to watch that sap does not emerge and cause contamination to anything.  I'm liking the bungee cord idea, too.
Would be nice to find some attractive bungee cords. 

It would take a very long time to dry it out.Wood expands and contracts with humidy levels also,and will eventually develop some splits.It will move around and a component is likely to slide off at some point.If you take all of that into consideration and work with it,it would look pretty cool:-)
I knew a guy that made furniture out of branches.Looked great even though not perfectly level and plumb.
A rickety, flexible rack will sound better than a rigid rack. That’s because when low frequency vibration tries to travel up through the rack from the floor the rickety rack will move and flex slightly as the vibration travels up through it, reducing the amplitude of the vibrations. A measure of isolation effectiveness is the ease of motion in a particular direction. A rigid rack allows more efficient transmission of vibration. 
It would take 1-3+ years (depending on thickness) to properly air dry/stabilize the wood for indoor use.

Unless you have access to a commercial drying facility it would be a long term project.

I have used dead pieces of trees to make audio racks and they performed very well.  They were long, straight and milled flat. I found them at Lowes.
Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.
Seriously? Okay well same answer as anything else you might want to try and use. Whatever characteristic vibration your shelf has, that is the characteristic it will pass on to whatever component sits on it. 

This isn't just brainstorming, this is the result of testing. Which you can do and are strongly encouraged to do yourself. Don't have to build anything either. Just get some of whatever you're thinking of using, cut it up into three or four pieces, and sit your component on it. Might want to start with cheap easy stuff like MDF and different woods- pine, oak, teak, etc. 

Before trying under the component try tapping on it. Tap and listen. Sounds goofy but try it. Then try it under your component. Do this enough, you will find out that it does indeed impart this character into the music. Try soft stuff like sorbothane. Tennis balls. Inner tubes. Whatever. Does not matter. Just try it. After a while you will not even need to try, you will just know based on your experience.

So that's the serious answer. Even though the whole thing still sounds like a joke to me, even without the flame thrower and the mold.
Cool idea! Certainly not costly. Just make sure the pieces chosen are dry and free of rot/insects/mold/fungus!
I got your post, miller.  So that's good.
Your reply is clever, but leaves me wondering if you did or did not make equipment supports from branches. What do you think of the idea ?

I built one of these, entirely by hand, best rack ever. Some fallen trees, some freshly cut, a little bamboo, with a nice big flat piece of driftwood on top. The hardest part is building the electronics. Was still digging for ore when the plane came and took me off the island.