Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 
@ prof

"... in the service of convincing customers on the merits of buying the expensive gear sold by the store"

For the record it generally wasn’t expensive, though admittedly, sometimes it was. And basically I didn’t say anything about pushing expensive equipment, that was strictly your wee self fluffing fabulation.

And please its really bad form to fluff yourself in public to make your argument look more impressive than it is. There is a place on the interwebs for stuff like that but this is family site, so please exercise some discretion, I mean, think of the children.

And you were talking about rigour and studies and double binds and stuff, so if I get your drift here, you are looking for something scientificistical ( which for those keeping score is the science version of truthiness and not a nonsensical typo ). Well this is your lucky day because here is something that may just fit your bill. It was already posted up-thread but you may have missed it, after all fluffing yourself is probably a pretty hard trick to pull off and still be aware of your immediate surroundings.

Note it is a bit complicated and doesn’t easily reduce itself to a simple club with which to beat the opposition into submission so it may not fit your purposes here , but it does have a lot of valuable information that most people with a genuine curiosity about truth would find interesting.

So now you got some science homework, so off you go, and please stop the self fluffing in public, its really embarrassing and pretty transparent.

So, maybe my solid, soft annealed, silver, single core speaker wire with no terminations in an oversized jacket (making air the primary dielectric) is a good way to go after all. 

It has higher conductivity than copper and a less granularly crystal structure for a smoother propagation with virtually no reflections due to the lack of terminations.

Did I get that right?

All the best,

My goodness, firing the personal insults at full blast! Is this going continue to be your modus operandi? Maybe you don’t care, but whatever titillation comments like those may bring you, it makes it harder to take your posts seriously.

You made some claims to cd318 about "facts" and I believe I showed it would be a rush to judgement to just accept your anecdotes as establishing the "facts" you assert to be true.

Given your attitude is one of disparaging what I write, I presume the article you linked to is meant to act as some form of riposte to what I’ve been saying here.

I’ve read it before. And read it again tonight.

I’m left with this question:

What do you actually think that article establishes, and how is it relevant to what I’ve written?

... it’s a misnomer to think that scientists don’t talk of subjects "failing" tests. Of course they do. For instance study subjects in medical trials can be said to have "failed to respond to the control treatment," etc.
You're being silly. The purpose of a drug trial is to test the efficacy of a treatment. It's not to test the patient.

Of course double blind (or single blind) listening tests can test a listener.
What do you think happens in a hearing test?
You're being silly. Of course you can test a subject's hearing. You can also test a subject for fluency in Spanish, or calculus. But the topic of this thread is, "Do cables really matter?" To ascertain the answer, you test cables, not listeners.