Do different streamers really sound different when using an external DAC

Maybe this has been posted before but it seems that often when a post is made where someone has gotten better sound it’s because it was the streamer with included DAC that was changed, not just the streamer. No doubt a better internal DAC,  better file resolution, a better music service, will make a difference.

But I just want to see comparison of streamer to streamer with the same DAC implementation. I am currently using a Bluesound Node2i outputting via Coax into a high quality tube DAC
So here’s the million dollar question.

What have been your experiences in upgrading streamers, keeping everything else the same ie, DAC, cables, output type (Coax)? No doubt better control apps and having a display will elevate your experience but how about just sound quality. Anyone?


It sure can matter. Noise is the devil and computer vs. streamer, cable type vs others, wifi vs wired, software vs. software can all make a difference in the SQ. Not to mention UX, but that's 10 entirely different searches you should consider. 
A significant amount of content both here and at audiophilestyle cover this in great detail. Cheers,
All great suggestions, thanks.
I have found the node 2i a significant improvement over a macbook via USB so am committed to streaming. Using a better outboard DAC improves further on the internal DAC. 

So now I'm just trying to figure out the next step for further improvement. Hopefully someone who was using a Node 2i with an external DAC who changed up their streamer can pipe in.

What I don't want to do is spend $$$ on another streamer, only to find it to be a lateral move to a different sonic signature that does not serve the music better. 
Every DAC sounds different to a degree. Glad you determined that any streamer sounds better than a computer. When you find a DAC you really enjoy plug the BluSound in. Enjoy the internal one now but remember it’s only a $100-150 DAC.
Sorry, no ’change up’ here. I bought 4 more, all better and use them all.  BluSound is the only one that does Tidal Comnect.

I do have an external DAC that I really like that I have the Bluesound hooked into and like what I hear compared to the internal DAC. Just wondering if a streamer upgrade with my new DAC will bring me more. My external DAC does not do MQA, So I am not getting all the unfolds of the MQA process but despite that, MQA Tidal sounds better with the new DAC than full unfold through the internal DAC of the Node 2i.  I'm not convinced that with Tidal Masters MQA of itself is what makes it better. 
If I recall, the Node doesn't do a full MQA unfold.-Just the preliminary unfold. Only MQA Dac's do the full unfold.
I never found MQA to be superior to a high resolution version.