Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear

It seems like all the high-end dealers I have bought from or talked to think that Mcintosh is living on it's past reputation. The 2 stores that carry it locally are more mid-fi stores than high-end. I have a friend that swears by it but he hasn't listened to his Mcintosh in over 2 years. What do you think?
I don't know about all audiophiles but then I wonder how many of them have heard or owned any of the great vintage Macs? I own a pair of MC60s which I've had for 25 years and recently had restored to sell after sitting in the closet for the past 17 years. They have one of the sweetest most natural sounds I've heard, not the last word in resolution mind you but thats less an issue considering everything else they so so well, tonal rightness and real body and weight, ah those transformers! Now I can't take them out of the system they are so throughly enjoyable. Looks like I'll be keeping them.
Ebm, the thing I note about the Macs compared to EVERY single amplifier I have owned is their natural fidelity to the music. These things do music right and they pull you in and keep you there. Funny thing is when I first fired them up I was trying to compare them to a pair of Quicksilver Silver 88's I recently purchased and my Berning zh270 which I've owned for years. The wow factor is not there initially, I mean they don't present all that extra detail that you hear with modern amplifiers. What they do better than virtually anything I am aware is present a realism to how instruments and voices sound. All the tonal colors and shadings that I HEAR in live music. Voices on great recordings are so real that it can be startling pulling you into the performance totally. As good as the other two amps are in their respective ways they just do not match the Macs in this area. The point is that I have not listened like this for a while which is to say I just can't stop listening to music and brings me back to the only time it was like this in the past 30 years, when I got them in the first place. There is different for sure, there are some with more wow factor initially. With the Macs the wow is I can't believe I left these in the closet for this long, what was I thinking?
Marc Maron's character on his eponymous TV show has a full setup of Mac stuff.
"Marc Maron's character on his eponymous TV show has a full setup of Mac stuff."

If you listen to his podcast, he has mentioned that he has a Rogue tube amp and Sonus Faber speakers (in real life). I can't remember if he has said what kind of turntable he has.
On further investigation, Maron has a Rogue Cronus Magnum amp and S-F Toy floor standers, a Sony TT with a pearl cartridge.
Yes, because it is cool and fun to own, built extremely well, and has its own unique in-house sound, makes it a worth while investment. We all have different tastes both in music and gear so one can't expect everyone to jump on the "I love Mcintosh" bandwagon. Ask about other brands of gear and you will get the same mixed opinions as well. I can tell you some of the new Mcintosh sounds excellent.
Define a "true" audiophile?

What other kinds are there? Fake I suppose. Who determines? Who cares?

It's a rhetorical question really.

And to single out Mcintosh for questioning seems pretty ridiculous, like Mc owners are a lesser breed.

In any case, just check teh systems online. Lots of Mc gear shown. Does that answer the question?
Agree Mapman. What is this whole "audiophile" thing and how by accepting one thing over something(s) else that, to the guy asking the question, is somehow relevant to musical enjoyment rather than peer approval and agreement? Bose REALLY comes to mind as if there is something wrong with the company because they are successful and maybe don't offer the best value for the buck which I don't think they do but neither does Apple, so what? You make your choice and why is it necessary for others to question that? It's really pretty obtuse. Encourage, share and enjoy!
Men love to say that theirs is bigger. Frequently, this means saying things like, "everyone knows," "Science tells us," "The music is all that is important."

The reality is that tastes, hearing, enjoyment, visual appearance all matter. This is why no thread stress what is best sounding ever reaches a conclusion.
I also have a pearl cartridge, and I don't like Maron enough to listen to his podcast although I liked him on Air America. I do like that Mac glowing gigantic turntable thoughÂ…very cool...
Here is one definition of audiophile: "One who enjoys sex acts involving the ear.
Roger Russell has written about the development of loudspeakers at McIntosh, which he was a major part of. His website also provides free access to the data base he compiled on the electronics that McIntosh has produced. I am surprised that there has been little reference to him and his site in this thread.
I am curious -What is the "meter" on the turntable? I thought it was an RPM meter, but apparently not-so what is it?
I think most of us would be very happy if we were given a new MC 275 amp to toy around with (not just sell), whether we are audiophiles or just pretending to be one.
To the op, no, they own Electrohome gear. Anything less is scandalous!

Tubegroover is on the money. Unremarkable and spectacular at the same time is what defines a truly great amp. Truly transparent, objectively. Flavor of the month membership denied.