For those of you with height challenged wives, buy them high heels.
Win, win. Ideas like this is why I make the big bucks.
Do you prefer tall speakers
I have had the distinct pleasure of listening to my DCM Time Frame 2000s sn 446/447 for 6 years. As the pair was made in 1988 a component failure is a certainty at some point. As I am accustomed to the always stunning sounds they make (and on a budget) I started looking for suitable replacements. Any repairs on the 2000s would be made but the speakers are complicated and cannot be rushed.
Enter the Von Schweikert VR4 Gen 2s. The pair had languished on a site for 6 months at 1025. Quite heavy for shipping but I live within a couple hours of the sellers town. An exceptionally nice and trusting man named Sam took a 100 down. He was returning to England and decided to let me me PP him the rest as I could. Sam even brought them to my house as he "was in the area why not". Thank you Sam!
I hooked them up to my Proceed HPA-2 which plays perfectly with my 2000s. A little bright at first but fabulous sound as reviews promised! It took a couple of days to realize what was so different. I was looking down at the soundstage, not up at normal real height for singers and such. I have always considered the long array of drivers at the top of the TFs to be a huge part of their appeal sonically. The soundstage has height, up at eye level. I have attached the TF manual pic as the driver array is so unconventional.
As the VRs are backup and looking for a different amp I have taken them to my local cannabis dispensary to share them with my friends and customers there. Such fine speakers should be heard and seen. I had a Audionics CC-2 amp (check them out) and got the owner to purchase a Rockville PPA53 pre for its BT . Sounds pretty good! I'm looking at a Hafler 9500 Trans Nova if any one has experience with one.
A common lament on these sites is the death of hi end audio as many people don't know that they are missing. I aim to change that a little. Great music should be shared!
Your thoughts please...
@guscreek , it looks to me like the tweeter height of the Timeframe 2000 is ballpark 35 inches, whereas the tweeter height of the VR4 Gen2 looks like it is probably in the ballpark of 40 inches. So based on your descriptions, I'm guessing that perceived soundstage height is down around the midrange driver for the VR4 Gen2... is this correct? Or am I missing something? Thanks! |
Hi no you are correct but even having a woofer at the top of the array seems to add even further to the tall soundstage. Wave guide tweeter on 2000s 42" up. Until I put the VRs on stands it is probably not a fair comparison. Surprised the thread is still active. @swede58 Yes as I am discovering. I really think a top woofer lends a sound I prefer. |