A. TWO Channel Mode/Use of Home Theater:
a1. AVR sends full frequency signals out front left and front right ONLY.
a2. no center, no surround, no sub signals from the AVR outputs.
a3. ALL Imaging is Phantom, created by AVR front left and front right. True whether you do or do not have a sub or two included in 2 channel mode. More below.
a4. programs that ’arrive’ in surround may/often sound better if you try/change to 2 Channel, thus more important than you might think.
B. SUB(s) ON SURROUND ONLY (sub out, mains only for 2 channel (video or music).
b1. choose mains with enough bass when in 2 channel mode
b2. single sub, non-directional can more easily be successful when on only in surround mode
b3. easiest wiring, simply sub out of AVR to sub, done.
C. SUB(s) ALWAYS ON (any Surround AND on for 2 channel).
c1. stereo pair of subs, directional, near mains
c2. all imaging is Phantom, any location of low bass fundamentals and overtones will reveal directionality, which you WANT.
c3. Now you need to take your AVR’s front left and front right to a CROSSOVER: ALWAYS send some to the sub(s); ALWAYS send the rest to the mains.
c4. Crossover can be separate component OR built into the sub(s). IF crossover is in the sub, then you have to get to the mains from the subs. This is another reason to use a stereo pair of subs located with the mains.
c5. Any crossover should be ADJUSTABLE for 5.1 or 2 channel
c6. self-powered subs produce the bass, which means the AVR’s amp and front speakers have an easier job to do
d1.Telling AVR the size of your mains effects surround modes only. It always sends full frequency out front left and front right in 2 channel mode.
e1. the programs coding, and the AVR's coding removes all the DESIGNATED audio information from the front speakers. Thus, a CENTER SPEAKER is definitely needed, no matter how good you mains are. You cannot make Phantom Center Dialog if the information does not exist in the front outputs.
e2. center channel is ALWAYS OFF during 2 Channel Mode, imaging from front and subs more important.
a1. AVR sends full frequency signals out front left and front right ONLY.
a2. no center, no surround, no sub signals from the AVR outputs.
a3. ALL Imaging is Phantom, created by AVR front left and front right. True whether you do or do not have a sub or two included in 2 channel mode. More below.
a4. programs that ’arrive’ in surround may/often sound better if you try/change to 2 Channel, thus more important than you might think.
B. SUB(s) ON SURROUND ONLY (sub out, mains only for 2 channel (video or music).
b1. choose mains with enough bass when in 2 channel mode
b2. single sub, non-directional can more easily be successful when on only in surround mode
b3. easiest wiring, simply sub out of AVR to sub, done.
C. SUB(s) ALWAYS ON (any Surround AND on for 2 channel).
c1. stereo pair of subs, directional, near mains
c2. all imaging is Phantom, any location of low bass fundamentals and overtones will reveal directionality, which you WANT.
c3. Now you need to take your AVR’s front left and front right to a CROSSOVER: ALWAYS send some to the sub(s); ALWAYS send the rest to the mains.
c4. Crossover can be separate component OR built into the sub(s). IF crossover is in the sub, then you have to get to the mains from the subs. This is another reason to use a stereo pair of subs located with the mains.
c5. Any crossover should be ADJUSTABLE for 5.1 or 2 channel
c6. self-powered subs produce the bass, which means the AVR’s amp and front speakers have an easier job to do
d1.Telling AVR the size of your mains effects surround modes only. It always sends full frequency out front left and front right in 2 channel mode.
e1. the programs coding, and the AVR's coding removes all the DESIGNATED audio information from the front speakers. Thus, a CENTER SPEAKER is definitely needed, no matter how good you mains are. You cannot make Phantom Center Dialog if the information does not exist in the front outputs.
e2. center channel is ALWAYS OFF during 2 Channel Mode, imaging from front and subs more important.