Does a record player make that much of a difference??

Question for all you Audionerds - in your experience, how much of a difference does one record player make over the next compared with the differences that a cartridge, phone pre-amp, and separate head amp make in the signal chain?

Reason I ask: I just upgraded from a MM cart to a MC cart (Dynavector 20x2-low output). Huge difference - the Dynavector sounds much more alive and detailed compared with the MM. I find my current record player (a Marantz TT16) to be a real pain to work with - I have to manually move the belt on the motor hub to change speeds, and the arm is not very adjustable or easy to do so. But, aside from that, it's not terrible. How much of a difference can I really expect if I upgrade to a better record spinner vs the change I heard from upgrading to a better cart? 

My next acquisition is a separate head amp to feed the phono stage.

Thanks for all your insights!


Post removed 

Dear @joshindc : There are priorities/grades/item importance when " building " an audio system and for you can get good overall system alternatives to up-grade it you need to post which are the diferent system items you own and your MUSIC(sound preferences.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


My general rule of thumb is the phono stage investment should be around the same as the Turntable and arm. These support getting the very best out of whatever cartridge you choose.


This works for me too. My phono stage investment is a bit more than my TT/arm.

I got back into vinyl earlier this year.   I cleaned up an old Garrard Lab 80.    It was nostalgic at best....    but I enjoyed spinning records again.   I looked at a few tables around $1000 and I decided to bump my budget and bought a Sota Escape , Origin Live Silver Arm and Ortofon Bronze.      It is a great sounding table , worth every penny .

I am using Sutherland's entry level KC Vibe and am going to take advantage of my dealers trade up policy and buy a get the 20/20...   I'll put some more hours on my Bronze and eventually pick up a MC.  

I never really knew how good my records could sound until now.  I have a few crates of mint and NOS unopened records and after a long hiatus I finally have a decent analog rig.    Like a lot of us here I can't do it all at once but I am headed in the right direction hopefully.