Doing the Power Cord Thing

Hey everyone,

So as you all know, I'm a DIY kind of guy when it comes to cables and speakers. I'll be building a new power cable using affordable parts from Parts Connexion and DH Labs:


They'll look nice, at least! :)

Testing will occur on the very last, new, Luxman 507ux in the United States.Will I hear anything at all? Or will this be just a wasted hour and wasted $100 assembling a cable?
  I guess I am confused or just lack experience. But my question would be if a company can make a power cord for x amount of $ and sell it for $$$$, why would a DIY not be able to make the same cord if given the same exact parts. To me and I say this lightly without offending anyone, why can't it be done. These companies that make cables have someone actually hand making them, given same parts I find it confusing why DIY would not have the same result, if you believe cables matter. I dont want to get into the whole cable war, but I have heard a difference with a couple I have demoed. In the end I kept the one that came with my amp because it the highs became to high. I am a newb and I dont have the knowledge of you long time audiophiles.

Confused? Well, think about it for just one minute. Let's say you could build something even as good as one of the most basic entry-level been around forever power cords, Synergistic Research Master Coupler. After over 20 years you'd think someone would have figured out how to make one. As would a whole lot of people. Then with their parts only, zero labor, zero overhead costs a lot of people would be making them, and in no time flat Synergistic would have to figure out something else to make, or lower their prices, or quit making them altogether.

Instead of selling more. At higher prices.

Because its not so easy. Which you and everyone else would know, if it weren't for the dismal state of public education.

But you don't, and so I have to resort to stories. Like how hard I tried and how bad I failed. Like how my friend who spent THIRTY YEARS slaving away on his workbench (I do not exaggerate) yet in all the hundreds if not thousands of attempts the best he could do was crap compared to what I was able to pull at random from my old discarded cables drawer.

This is beyond settled. You can DIY if you want. Just take my advice and do like erik and ask for examples of the most horrible stuff you can find to compare with. Even then be careful. It still might be better than what you made.

So, lets see, either I didn't follow the rituals needed to magically activate the cables, or I'm using parts and methods so far beneath good sounding power cables that I'll never get close to decent performance?

Are those really my only two choices?
millercarbon…."This is beyond settled."...., "Just take my advice"....

I understand where Erik is coming from about enjoying and sharing his DIY projects.  What could possibly motivate you to criticize him for making a power cord?  Really weird.  You and your buddy failing over 30 years makes you the last one qualified to drag his efforts down to your level or to conclude his next attempt won't be a total success.
Erik can you please make a good cable so we can follow.  I think it's great  that you can do this.  Even if its failed attempt its still fun to DIY.  
As far as PC go, I'm fine spending 100 or 200 on a cable, but I dont have the funds to drop 1k on a single cable.  And if I needed 6 PCs that's 6k. I'd rather buy another amp. For all of us in this hobby, it's all about the wallet and some just have bigger wallets.  All my other cables are transparent.  All my PCs are the originals, which I really would like to upgrade.
When it comes to DIY cables, It’s just take bit of effort and some very basic knowledge. I have been building power cords intermittently for last 15 years. 

I started out with DH Labs bulk wire and Wattgate connectors. And those PC’s served me good for 6-7 years. Then i moved on to Furutech’s power cords and connectors. IMO, they are the best DIY power cords I have experienced.  

Another member here @grannyring has extensive experience with Duelund bulk cables. 


With your budget, take a look at AudioEnvy cables. His IC’s are stupendously good. After playing with IC’s, I am about to try his powercords. At those prices and 45 days money back guarantee, why not?