Downsize to Digital Integrated Amplifiers?

I am planning to shift to Computer Audio completely and am looking forward to downsize my existing setup (Pre+Power+CDP+Computer) without a downgrade in audio quality.

Digital Integrated Amplifiers like NAD M2, Esoteric AI-10 that accept direct digital inputs (analog inputs also) look promising to me. These amplifiers eliminate the necessity of a preamplifier, interconnect cables, and digital to analog conversion before the preamplifier; thus reducing the space occupied. In addition, digital amplifiers are more efficient, and do not heat up.

Do you think this is a move in the right direction? Digital Integrated Amplifiers seems to be the future to me. I would appreciate if you could add whatever your experiences / opinions are regarding this question.
I have been here for the future before (Tubes to transistors, transistors to IC's
Stereo tapes to records, records to CD's, reflex speakers to air suspension etc.).
Gets cheaper, smaller and more convenient, but almost never better sounding.
I admit to never hearing these pieces. Philosophically, single boxes are compromises. Using the right computer stored music plus the right DAC may give us better sound for less money. It is the future. Whether or not the future is now is the question. The hard disk can give us perfect bits compared to relying on the transport every time we play a disk. If you buy a one box solution you will be stuck with all the components inside-transport, DAC, Pre-amp, Amp. I think it still makes more sense to transfer everything to hard disk, use a great DAC, then choose whatever amps and speakers you like. But, I haven't done it yet. You can also check out for more detailed information.
they have been doing it as long as anyone

Bel Canto is another but a more recent adopter
I agree that the sound quality depends on the quality of the DAC. The DAC is used only in the output stage (before the speakers) after the signal has been amplified.

Digital amplifiers like these should give a better S/N ratio, thus blacker background, since low level signals from the source is not being processed i.e. converted to analog and passed through a preamplifier, where the chances of introducing noise is high. The PCM digital signal from the source is amplified by converting PWM. The amplified digital signal is converted to analog at the output stage.
Hmmmm. Some digital amps sound pretty good to me - others sound overly dynamic or a bit hard edged. I think you should go listen to them. If you like how one of them sounds, then that is probably what YOUR future looks like. And you will have not only a smaller physical footprint, but a smaller carbon footprint as well...