Driver Tubes 6922

I've heard a few people opining that the driver tube can be the most important tube.

Why is this?

What do you look for in a 6922?

What differences might I expect to hear replacing my modern GL e88cc with an expensive NOS 6922?

Any recommendations for a 6922  based on actual experience?







I agree with jss...   in my Mid Monos a 6922 that may not be really quiet in a Preamp will work fine in the driver pos.   

I use JJ in there now and I think its the input tube that make the most difference in these.   

I have some early 60's RCA 12ax7 at the input and these amps have never sounded better.     When I bought them at about a year old the former owner also really liked RCA because there were early RCA 12ax7 in there.   

Thanks for the correction.

Are there affordable nos input tubes or a stellar modern input tube you guys can recommend?

Depends on the amount you are willing to spend?  I have a Lab12 DAC 1 Reference that takes 2 6922’s. I prefer old stock tubes on the warmer or neutral side with detail.  My experience rolling:

$- Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8 Holland (excellent value with great SQ)

$$- Amperex 6922 Holland

      Amperex 6922 USA

$$$- French Phillips E188cc/7308 labeled RT, RTC, Dario Miniwatt,Mazda=My Fav

        Amperex 7308 Holland (or USA) SQ or PQ label best

        Siemens E88cc/6922 Germany (little brighter)

Talk to and look at Brent Jessee and his website.  Very helpful and informative.  Good luck with it all.  Tom