Emotiva BasX TA-100 integrated or BasX PT-100 preamp sound quality

Anyone have any experience with the Emotiva BasX TA-100 integrated or BasX PT-100 preamp and in comparison to like priced as well as higher priced components.  Looking at musicality, dimensionality, etc.  Considering for second system or if good enough to build upon in 2 channel configuration with a separate amp.  But would really like to know just how good the integrated with its own amp section is for its price. Thanks.

Historically, the Emotiva preamps have been somewhat warm and close-in sounding.  The amps have been very fast and dynamic, but bright and harsh.  This can be fixed by fuse upgrades sometimes (Furutech or Isoclean).  However, they are not the best equipment.  Nice if you are definitely on a budget.

There's a Peachtree Audio DECCO 65 on audiogon for $450 that is likely going to be a lot better than the BasX integrated.

I think you get what you pay for. Emotiva is not fine dining but it is a good meal for the money. Very reliable, great warranty, great company. I own the TA 100 and am using it with Wharfdale monitors, chord mojo and a laptop in my office. I like the sound. It is crisp and clean. The chord gives it some warmth. It will mostly depend on your source, speakers and room. It’s a great amp for $250. 
Thanks for the info.  Given just the preamp section only, would it perform well if connected to a decent amp are does the same apply to the preamp section as the Emotiva amps, "closed in sound", etc. ?

Right now I am using a Hegel integrated as main system, but would lke to save some money on secondary system and as a means to swap equipment in/out as I find them.  The Dac first attracted me to the Emotiva preamp...but if the pre is considered mediocre, why bother.
Why not go ahead and buy the Emotiva BasXTA100 and at the same time, also buy the NAD3020v2 and the NuForce DDA120..both in a similar price range, both highly rated, both available and easily returnable from Audio Advisors and let the sound in your system in your room dictate the winner???