Esoteric G-02 clock - your thoughts

....I currently have the Esoteric G-03x clock in my system. I was wondering only to those Esoteric owners who have upgraded from the G-03x or from anybody who has purchased the G-02 clock what they thought. I like the clock in my system ...there is a difference but I would like to know if the G-02 is a step up from the G-03x.
I believe the specs on the OCXO clocking options with the G-03X and G-02 are very similar to each other so you'd be getting a good solution with the G-03X (one that I've spent years owning and enjoying with a P-03U/D-03 combo) however the 02 is Esoteric's latest assault on improvements in that circuit, the unit in general and the master clocking outputs in general from what I've read. I've recently done A/B testing of a P-02/D-02 both with and without my G-03X clock and found that the new clock in the D-02 in master clock (22.x) output mode gave equal or better sonic performance to playback versus the additional complexity of the 3rd box (G-03X) in the system so I've taken the G-03X out of the system and have the P-02 slaved to the D-02 clock with very good results. The G-02 is based on the same generation of clocking in the D-02 with everything optimized beyond that for a standalone unit so I surmise the G-02 will be one hell of a clock.

You did not say what you would be using the G-02 or G-03X to be a clock source for. So, if I were guessing, I'd say;

- if you were utilizing the clock with a P-03/D-03, go with at least the G-03X and if you could afford it, the new G-02 clock versus a used G-03X to get the latest and most stable clock (the G-03X will have some age to i)....
- same note on other Esoteric equipment that accepts a clock (other than P-02/D-02 or the 01 series...) and other manufacturers transports and DACs; go with the G-02 to get the latest clocking technology with little or no age on it. Reason I mention age is that all manufacturers should tell you (Esoteric does) that all OCXO clocks will 'drift' a bit over time and with repeated handling, moving, etc....these drifts are small assuming careful handling but they do happen from what I was told (I am no expert). Rubidium and Atomic have little or no drift and are much more expensive....

- If using P02/D02, I'd suggest utilizing the clock in the D-02 as it sounds great to me this way and the extra money MAY not be justified...

- if using the 02 or 01 systems and you definitely want an external clock, the only move is the new Rubidium clock from Esoteric (the 01) or the prior G-0Rb or G-0s RB-oscillator clocks...

This is detailed stuff...let me know if I've confused things or if you have specific questions beyond this and I'll do my best to answer......
Hello Zephyr ...many thanks for taking the time to answer my question. My G-03X is matched with the Esoteric P-05 / D-05. I also have the Esoteric C-03x pre-amp and the A-03 amp. I was looking at adding another A-03 amp as we have an authorized dealer ( and great people by the way ) here on Audiogon that is selling one at a good price, but I am not sure if I want to get into bridging that amp as it a good one all on its own. So, I am looking at upgrading from my current G-03x clock. I do see where the G-02's clock has improved as well as the power supply which is critical and should / must mean an overall improvement in sound.
I have a K-01X for which I'm also trying to rationalize external clock options. The G-01 and G-02 are redoubtable, but at those price premiums it is worth considering solutions based on scientific instruments or pro audio.

From a web surf it seems that the G-01 uses a Stanford Research Systems PRS-10 10 Mhz rubidium core. The G-02 has a cheaper Spectratime LCR-900 core. If your transport/DAC can't directly accept a 10mHz sine wave as a master clock, you would need to add a distribution amplifier that outputs Word Clock in multiples of 44.1kHz and 48kHz. Respected examples included Grimm CC1 and Antelope Trinity or OCX.

The premium 10Mhz rubidium master clock in a plug & play enclosure is SRS PERF-10(75 ohm BNC outputs) or SRS FS725(50 ohm BNC outputs). Both use the PRS-10 core as in G-01. I'm unsure which impedance is more appropriate to match an Esoteric CDP, as some Esoteric literature broadly specifies 50-75 ohms.

Both clocks include an integrated low noise SMPS. The PERF-10 has an optional port to accept an external 12V/5A linear power supply. I'm thinking of something on the high order of quality of Paul Hynes or HD Plex. For the FS725 it would be a relatively simple job to get inside the enclosure and install a power port to an external supply. In that event the PS would need to be 24Vdc/3A.
I ordered the PERF-10 and should have it in a few weeks to try with K-01X. My understanding is that while this unit has the same SRS 10Mhz rubidium core as a G-01, there is a difference in the way the two products can function in this application.

When the G-01's master clock link is set to 22.5792Mhz, its 10Mhz rubidium clock synchronizes with the 22.5792Mhz VCXO in the G-01, which in turn links to the CDP at 22.5792 and replaces the player's internal 22.5792 master VCXO.

When connected to a PERF-10, the player's internal 22.5792 master clock is retained and is synchronized at 10Mhz to the external rubidium clock.

I won't try to guess why one approach would be better than the other.
This is a great thread,...please let us know how things turn out for you Garebear and what options you try. I would not bridge the amps either, one is fine on its own. Bridging adds benefits in general but things like THD and SN ratios have been known to change with other bridged amp options that I've tried. Bi-amping on the other hand where one amp handles the left and other handles the right channel is another option you may wish to entertain but that is not mandatory with your config by any means.

Dgarrettson: great info,...I had never looked that deeply into the parts & specs. Thank you!
....thank you to everyone here. I have decided to go with the Esoertic G-02 as I sold the G-03x here on Audiogon. I should have the unit in about a week and will post my opinions at that time
Thanks Garebear....clocking cable choices (better than stock cables) do help so look for good quality BNC-to-BNC 75-ohm cables to help finalize the configuration. Best of luck with your new purchase!
Hello Zephyr24069.....thank you and I found that one out on what cables can do for a clock when I bought the G-03x. I currently have Purist Audio ( my whole system is PAD ) Proteus Provectus but have been looking at the Stealth Vardig Sextet's BNC's. Yes...they also make a difference....anything to spend my money on.
Gentlemen- I picked up the G-02 clock and my question to the forum is ; does a clock need time to '' break in '' ???
Garebare, just leave the clock connected and powered.

I found an undeniable distinct improvement from the start adding a 10m clock to my k01x, it just sound more correct, not day and night differences or changes like some other tweaks may give, for better or worst.

I just cannot listen without the clock, there is a correctness or naturalness to the whole sonic picture. No going back!

Can your player accept 22m, it seems this frequency may give the best improvements.

I have collected reports from forumers on otherite with just changing the internal clock. It somehow seems that the higher the frequency the better, like 100m. It does not make sense technically to me as phase noise of the clock decreases with higher frequencies.But somehow, it is said to be better sounding.

The G03 is fine and sports an OCXO like in the G02, main difference would be that the G02 supports higher frequencies, 10m and above if you equipment can accept these.

What are your observations with the new G02, hope you can utilise the higher frequencies.

I may not be certain, as there are many other factors influencing the sound when a clock is added, but it may be that low phase noise improves naturalness, and gking up in frequencies improves detail giving an even more detail and accurate presentation.
....thank you ; Justtubes 2 , but my question was does the Esoteric clock need any break in time ?
I waited once it was warmed up, an hour or so.

It was a immediate difference, but had very good clock cable.

Later testing of cheaper coax revealed not such a dramatic improvement.

This leads me to conclude a clock will need good cables importantly, to reap its benefit.

Invest in cable and you can add a 10m to the input later.

Try the 22m connection as opposed to 10m.

Would like to know your findings between these 2 settings.
Garebare have you set 22m?

Did you not find much difference even from new?

The frequecy choice should make a difference either 10m or 22m.

You may want to revisit your cables if that is not much improvement.
Garebare, i just read the spec for your D-05.

The mian difference between the G03 and G02 clock is the different / new frequencies which zephyr mentioned sounded better.

I wouldnt be surprised that the new clock sounds very similar to the old. It uses the same OCXO althought different board and power supply.