I,am not a helpless female only a audionut looking for advice sorry I offended anyone. I,am from cape breton , nova scotia high end here is technics.I bought all my equipment on the advice of men so why change now and it doesn,t seem like a girls thing.All the audio forums seems to be all males telling there stories, believe me wish I wasn,t into this, It is an addiction I think more expensive than smoking drinking,the only thing it comes close to is greed the always waiting more , Been there mirage m3s, om6 now om5s so thinking why not amps and cables only a thought.A Man asked what sound am,I looking for, I think it was man, better, a little improvement.I read where people upgrade 3000 dollar speaker cable, 10,ooo speakers this stuff makes my stuff look like dog pooh so thinking why not a little improvement.A doctor where i work lent me a pair of kimber 8tc Hes a ENT doctor I think he wanted me as a patient,talk about ear bleed they weren,t what I,am looking for .oh well I,ll stay were I,am or bite the bullet and get a more powerful amp and try some speaker cables from the cable company or audio advisor.Again sorry if I offended anyone and thanks for all respones It did help and i guess this lady better stay out of the mens room .