FEX EX Damaged New Legacy's

I just had to refused shipment on a pair Legacy Foundation subs. They were skidded, stood on end, strapped, and very nicely packaged. But....two big holes in the upper part of the corners revealed a nice blemish/scuff and  indentation on the front of one of the speakers. The Foundations use no grill, so what's visible is going to be REALLY visible. At a list price of 4350.00 dollars a piece you would think whoever checkmarks the damage at Fed Ex would have a look. I say that because the driver admitted his paperwork showed " damaged" ... I took pictures, called my dealer and he's taking care of it. I'm not a bit concerned as Legacy has always been super to deal with. Crap ...... 
Use Old Dominion, that's who Klipsch uses. They use great care in shipping stuff. 
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Yep, my Legacys were shipped via UPS freight.  Driver was nice, but seemed clueless.  Apparently he even delivered and opened the boxes in the wrong address thinking it was a large dresser or something.  The wife who was there was apparently really angry thinking her husband ordered large speakers without telling her.  Umm... the large LEGACY lettering on the box didn't give anything away?  
I hate it when companies (FedEx, UPS, USPS) can't do their core function - i.e., deliver mail properly.
Yep, fed ex smashed my Kinki Studios ex-m1 pretty good a month ago.

I was leery because I’ve had prior issues with fred ex.  They smashed an Anthem I225 pretty good as well as picking up a pair of $3500 speakers, then saying the never picked them up.  That was handled though.

But yeah, fed ex sucks.  Always open and inspect any packages delivered in front of the driver.  If its damaged, dont accept it.  My Kinki EX-m1 box had a slightly dented corner on the box.  When I opened it I realized the damage.